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SS32 pregnant AGAIN!!!!

stepgin's picture

For those of you that have read my posts you know my "adult" stepkids are emotional teenagers! Thanksgiving went fine, by the way, because sd and her family didn't show up. Which was fine.
Now I've found out through devious means, that my SD is pregnant with her 5th child by her 5th baby daddy. The fathers have all been thugs and criminals and this one is no exception. He is supposed to turn himself in to the DOC on the 28th to start serving his sentence for dealing crack. This is the kind of guy she exposes her current kids to!!!
This thug had spent his entire adult life in prison (not before producing 3 kids in his teens) and has not worked since he got out on parole less than 3 years ago. He keeps finding these stupid white girls to support and screw him. Apparently, none of them know how to use birth control. He's produced a 2yr old girl, 2 baby boys both around 6 months old, and now 2 more women pregnant which includes my SD32.
WTF????? All of these poor kids. Anyway, my DH doesn't know about this yet and my DD30 advised me not to tell him until his daughter does. I'm not sure... He won't like that I invaded her privacy, but I'm worried she's going to take off with him before his court date.
If I were him, I would want to know. But I also would hold my daughter accountable for her stupid behavior. He just thinks she fertile!!!! Actually said that to me a couple of years ago. Smile To me this is just another person that we will worry about.
And, to be honest, since I actually know the father of this upcoming kid, I do not think I will be able to show it any affection or love. I love her other kids very much.
What a freaking mess!!!! Happy holidays!


DaizyDuke's picture

Why is it that the people that SHOULDN'T have kids, that CAN'T support themselves or their kids, that WON'T ever be anything but a drain on society keep having kids???? My Lord! Big brother or not.. I wish the government would put an end to this crap already! I seriously WISH big brother would kick this country in the ass! I'm all for DNA testing, child capping etc. bring it on!

*I am editing this to let you (and others who may take offense) know that I am not trying to attack your SD personally here... she may well be a positive member to society etc. Not trying to say that just because someone has 5 kids with 5 dads makes them a bad person..... just saying that in 98.7% of cases it makes them dependent on the government and MY tax money and that fries my ass!

stepgin's picture

I know what you mean, Daisy!!! Why is adoption hardly ever an option anymore? Her kids could have had a chance at a decent life. But I'm convinced the boys will end up in jail and the girls pregnant by the time they are teenagers. Not really their fault, it's all they have known.
My DH and I try to be a positvie influence, but we don't get to see them that often. It makes me cry.

DaizyDuke's picture

Why is adoption hardly ever an option anymore?
Because the way our government operates now, each and every new child is an additional "paycheck" for these non-working, baby producing leeches to society. And you're right, the saddest thing is the babies are pretty much destined for the same life if not worse, they'll never have a fighting chance, because they won't know any better.. ignorance breeds ignorance.... I'm crying with you... Sad

stepgin's picture

I'm not offended! She does not contribute. She goes to school for training but drops out and never finishes anything. I will give her credit that she works as a CNA but it doesn't pay well. She's always asking her dad to give her money. Which I'm sick of since I think most of her money goes to the convict. Her dad vacilates between feeling sorry for her to being ashamed of her. She's incredibly manipulative.

ddakan's picture


This completely sucks. I'd tell DH just because that's what I do. My sd21 isn't on birth control and got pregnant and forced herself to miscarry by taking some kind of drug. It made me sick.

This also makes me sick for you!! So sorry for you and these little kiddos, neither of you deserve this situation.

Rags's picture

I read an article this week about a girl in her early 20's who went in to labor with her 8th child in Illinois. The Doc asked her why she was having so many children. Her answer ..... "my mama says I am the family bread winner".

Aparently the scam is that once the baby is born, the grandmother calls CPS and files a complaint that her daughter can not care for the kids. CPS agrees, makes grandma the Foster Mom and THEY collect $1500/mo per child TAX FREE, free medical, free dental, free cell phone minutes, WIC, food stamps, etc.....

Sounds like your SD has a scam going to me. Babydady's who are in prison can't pay CS so the state loads the babymama up with benefits.

Another entitlement breeder scamming the tax payer.
