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Finally I blog but not about myself!

Stepcreaturesonly's picture

Let me preface with: NO ONE deserves to be killed, AND I know no more than what is in the papers...

however...something is soooooo wrong in this story that reminds me of entitled skids. But not a skid apparently: daughter steals from mum, is violent to mum, screams at mum enough for cops to be called 86 times in previous decade, uses mum's credit card without permission just a few week's mother does what? Rewards her with a luxury resort holiday. Argh! And worse, horrid daughter then murders her mum. But seriously when you read the history, you have to wonder WHY the mum would CONTEMPLATE taking this kid away for a holiday....



kathc's picture

That's horrible. I really, really hope that the daughter isn't able to get her hands on the mother's money. My first thought is that the boyfriend and she figured they would get all the money.

I'm actually terrified of this. I make it VERY clear to skids that when I die NOBODY gets any of my money, it ALL goes to charity. The ONLY way they get anything is if I'm alive to give it to them!

Stepcreaturesonly's picture

I'm bp not at all convinced it was premeditated. Unless the girl is SERIOUSLY dumb. I think she's finally gone too far and then once she realised (like lashed out) continued doing to finish her mum off. She definitely needs locking up. I don't believe you could do that, and be laughing anything it if not a sociopath.