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Stepmom having difficulty w/ stepmom in law---outside opinions

stepalong's picture

Ok, I'm a stepmom-3 year into marriage w dh and sd 8. Things i think are pretty good overall. we have full custody, BM gets visits every other weekend and she is the cliche crazy etc. anyway, sm life has not been easy but relative to alot of things i think our little family has gelled pretty good to this point.

So here's something I need your input about: to spare you a lot of details my dh has a dad and stepmom who live in the same town as us. over the years my dh stepmom has managed to alienate all of dh siblings and is not shy about her disdain for them. In my opinion she "tolerates" us but it would not make her sad if we dropped off the planet. What i cant understand for the life of me is that my dh was 2 when they got married and they basically raised him and as a stepmom myself i cannot fathom being so indifferent to my stepchild at this point, let alone after i've rasied her for 16+ years!he was not a bad kid, he is a great human being, never asks them for $, has supported himself, is resepctful, etc etc. seriously. and the stepmom will even say that "Dh was never that bad" but she honestly could care less about us. she treats my sd like red headed step-grand child while she buys new cars etc for her (her son has 2), which i dont care about cars or thier money or antying, just a "hi how are you?" would be nice. Anyway, so I vascillate between just being totally indifferent to them not in a mean way but just b/c truly i dont want to force myself on anyone and between wanting to kill them w/ kindness. not in an insincere way but in a way that shows we do value them (if for nothing else than they raised my husband). And in my opinion i think stepmom is so bitter about hte past (as in like 20 + years ago) and is just kinda a sad person in general that her prickliness is just a cover for believing that she wont be liked. You dont get hurt or rejected if you keep people at bay. But i think that b/c I cant IMAGINE treating sd the way she treat(ed) my husband. Anyway, so what do you suggest? just let it go and let her have her way (which i truly think is to "win" and have her son's family the only ones in thier life, which btw, her son is from her first marriage and is not dh half sibling), or really make an effort to invest in them and love them despite thier suckiness? I just think she needs to get over crap already and move on w/ her life but she seems more interested in harboring the past and all the ways shes been wronged (even though her realtionship w/ dh's dad was borne out of an affair-they were both married). I dont know. I want to love the unlovable, but maybe the reality is they really DONT care, and even though i cant fathom that, it's just the truth and i just need to let it go. Thoughts? and yes i think his dad also sucks for letting stepmom call the shots like she has.


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

If it was born out of an affair, I can see the kids, not necessarily your DH having had given her hell for it, not to mention his ex-wife. So yeah, bitter I can see, and understand to some extent.

She's not SD's bio grandmother, so she has no obligation to give her anything, unfortunately. It would be nice if she did, but it's not her responsibility.

I think if they don't want to be invested with you, you shouldn't with them. All of you are adults and have your own lives, and a relationship is a two-way street. I can see a lot of resentment built that may have occurred like many of the dysfunctional step parent - step child relationship, so there are two sides to every story and I wouldn't judge on that.

Sorry, I know it's rough. My own biological grandmother couldn't stand me or my sister (she hated my mom) so we didn't have a relationship with her. She died old and bitter and alone, and alienated herself and her husband from their oldest son (my father) for what she tried to do to our family. It happens.

stepmonster_2011's picture

Here's the thing - there are some people out there that are just plain jackasses. This one happens to be a SM. You are expecting her to have warm fuzzies for your DH. Even if he's a great guy - maybe there were other factors in play that caused her to check out of the relationship?

Read some of the blogs around here - you might find that many ladies here are fed up with the skids - not because of the kids - but because their DH's don't parent... just an example.

After what I have dealt with in just the short 2 years of being a SM, I will NEVER pass judgement on another SM!

I do reserve the right to judge people that are asshats. They suck at life.

Overall - I wouldn't worry too much about her and the relationship you think they should have. It is what it is nothing you can do to make it what it isn't.

twopines's picture

I completely agree! There are just some things that aren't worth the fuss, and trying to make someone feel something that's not there is one of them.