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Update on the medical situation

Step mum of three's picture

So my DF and I spoke to SS doctor (who also happens to be my OB for this pregnancy) and showed her the video of his state after seeing her for his poked eye. She was quite worried about him, said that BM should have taken him to the hospital (we have no after hours GP in our town) and told us she will be speaking to BM at her appointment today.

We are just now waiting for the fallout of speaking to the doctor about 'her son'. It just makes me smile to know that someone of authority (ie doctor) has said something to her about her overuse of pain meds on SS!! (maybe this will get BM to actually listen to our concerns but I highly doubt it)


Step mum of three's picture

So am I it's only for about 30 secs but it shows his drowsiness and incoherence ( my DF was holding him and making sure he was ok)