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Surviving a long skid wknd

TrueNorth77's picture

Give the skids a 4 day wknd, they said. It will be great, they said!

It is not great!! I just want it to be over. I need these kids to go by Crazy’s for a few days. Today needs to be Thursday!!

My gripes about this wknd are only made possible by an Easter miracle occurring in our household- SS12 miraculously kicked his video game addiction for a few days, apparently so he could become my SO’s shadow, and drive me to drink. Which I did. 

SS12 has been glued to my SO’s side nonstop...NONSTOP for the past 2 days, and it is driving me insane. SD9 has been slightly better, but not much. At least she has played with friends. But they want my SO to be their constant entertainment, and that’s his own fault for always feeling like he has to play with them even if he doesn’t want to. He almost always gives in when they ask. In summer, he will play outside with them every day for hours. So SS has asked my SO to play outside or play foosball approximately 52 times, and my SO has actually said no and stuck by it every time. I’ve told him that him being a total pushover kind of makes my hoo-hoo close for business, which he did not like at all, yet I can’t help but feel like he listened. I’m proud of him, not because he’s not playing with his kids, but because he’s not being a Disney dad. He just didn’t feel like playing the things they wanted him to play and actually said no for once. And seriously, SS spent almost every minute of every day with my SO anyway- he got plenty of attention. Yet SS whined “you never play outside with meee”! Really?? We’ve only had maybe 3 nice days so far, and he plays with you every day otherwise!

Today we had Easter at my SO’s parents, with all his siblings and their kids. SS stayed in the living room by my SO while all the other kids played outside. At one point I was sitting outside and SS came and asked where my SO was- My SO had been inside and I was outside...It’s a big house/farm, how the F should I know? 2 minutes later SD came and asked where her dad was. FFS, leave the guy alone for a minute! Turns out he had gone up to the barn to look at something, but he was out of skids sight for 5 mins so they just have to find him! 

I’m over it. Over. It. 

I don’t know how I’m going to survive summer!


Monkeysee's picture

I hear you, I soooo so hear you. I don’t know if it’s hormones or just the fact the boys are getting older & the lack of parenting at BM’s is starting to really shine through, but for the first time I’ve been absolutely counting down until DH takes them home. Being pregnant I can’t even drink, it’s been rough! 

TrueNorth77's picture

I drank every day this got me through! I don’t always count down the days til they leave, but I sure am now and it’s the worst.

tankh21's picture

Yeah...this sounds like my weekends as well. I am so glad when the skids go back to BM's but DH has the skids for 30 days this summer and I dread it so much. As least I go to work and don't have to deal with them during the weekdays.

TrueNorth77's picture

Yes! I can't imagine not working and being with them all day. I also do Real Estate part-time, and go to the most weekends those 2 things also get me out of the house. We have them LESS in summer than we do during the school year- 5 days by us, 9 by Crazy, it should be awesome, but I'm not really excited about it because of how they are in the summer- super clingy, always expecting my SO to entertain them, and last year my SO was in full-on Disney mode, planning constant activities during his time because heaven forbid skids get bored!