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What DH and SS13 talked about on the Shoe Trip

step off already's picture

So while DH was treating SS13 to a new pair of shoes, DH tried to instill some fatherly wisdon upon SS.

Well, first, SS asked, "If I keep doing well in school can I get a new pair of shoes like every other week?" LMAO!!!!

DH, "No, not every other week, but maybe after a good report card".
SS, "oh, well, OK" and he kind of looks down a little hurt.
DH, "See these shoes I've been wearing, they have holes in them. Step Off and I work very hard to make sure you kids have everything you kids need. If you want to be upset with someone, be upset with your mother. She doesn't work so she doesn't have to give me money to help buy you the things you need."
SS, "I know Dad... I know."


SS, "thank you dad. I love you. . . can I text Step off to tell her thank you?"


Starla's picture

I should say he was out of line for saying that to him..I'm actually jealous though }:) That is really cool how he spoke the truth like that and how your SS reacted. Wink

kathc's picture

nah, he wasn't out of line. If he said BM was a selfish piece of crap he'd have been out of line. He simply stated fact.

Starla's picture

Yes I fully agree with you and my hubby and I fight about that very topic above at times. Stating a fact is legit but he views it as bashing or PASing..heck I don't even know.

OP two thumbs up for you, your SS, and your hubby on this one!

QueenBeau's picture

I agree because SS is 13. More than old enough to understand that you have to work to have money & that you should support your children.