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About to rip my husband's head off

step off already's picture

Baby wakes up around 5 every morning and I can usually get her back to sleep by nursing her and lying down with her. This morning she was on and out every 20 minutes. At 6 I have dh bugging me, " lay next to me... Hold me". I'm already tired and am not in the mood for his needy ass.
But after 20 minutes I give in and flip over. He wants to hug me while the baby nurses. Every time I'm about to fall asleep he moves. I wake. Baby jars and starts nursing again.
Needless to say by 7:30 I diced to get up and am irritated by dh.

The morning does not go well. I'm tired and grouchy. We do our things we need to go and return home by 2:30. I instruct the kids that I want them upstairs and quiet till 5. I'm napping. Baby is asleep in her seat and we brig her in my bedroom. Dh is noisy and wakes her up. I try and lay down and nurse her but she is up and wants to play.

I play with her for a good 20-30 minutes imbed (while dh lays there) them ibake the baby out of the room). About 20 minute later I go in the room and dh is happily snoring. I'm irritated but I set up the iPhone to video him so he can see how lazy he Is. He wakes up as I leave the room. A few minutes later he tells me I'm mean.

I explode.

I mean come on. Seriously bits and enough that hedoesnt help in the morning but when he knows I'm exhausted and he just decides to sleep instead. You're damned right I'm a grouchy bitch and it's your own damned fault.

That's all. I'm alone in my bed now and need some zzzzzzs


bi's picture

when bs5 was a baby, he was 5 months old before I was able to open a fucking book and read a page. (reading is what I like to do). I worked full time, 3rd shift. fdh somehow always had time to be on his computer playing games for 2 or 3 hours while I couldn't read a single paragraph of a book. I lost my shit on mother's day when I had to get up at 7 am and take care of bs and his lazy ass slept til 2pm. omg, still makes me livid just remembering it. that is some kind of nervy ass bullshit right there. I don't remember what I said to him, but I made damn good and sure to let him know that I really appreciated him sleeping all day on mother's day so I could have alone time with bs starting at 7am. fucking bastard.

moeilijk's picture

Yeah, I get PO'd at my DH too, he is always 'sick' when he's in charge of the baby. Interestingly, only if I'm awake. If I'm sleeping he won't DARE wake me and if I'm not home I've never heard a peep from him until I got home. But sometimes, I'd like to be an adult in my own home, doing grown-up things, for long enough to live MY LIFE and not just do chores. Usually I can talk to him about and he'll smarten up, but sometimes I get tired of being the only grown-up in the house. I hate feeling like he's playing me.