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SS13 - Even MORE Drama tonight

step off already's picture

First day back at school from spring break.

DH picks my bios and SS13 up from school today and SS approaches him with a major attitude about how he knows DH is going to take everything away. DH tells him to knock it off and not give him attitude at school. SS continues.

I arrive at home a few minutes before everyone else. I know nothing.

I'm making dinner while DS9 is doing homework at the table and he asks me why SS is grouchy. I have no idea that something is going on upstairs between SS and DH.

DS fills me in on what he's heard. I try to listen but can only hear yelling. DS asks me why SS and DH fight and argue and yell. I tell him that they are in a bad habit and they need to learn new ways to deal with each other when they are upset.


step off already's picture

Anyway, it escalates up in SS's room, so I decide to go upstairs to tell them both that they need a moment because the disagreement is not going anywhere.

Apparently, SS "forgot to turn in an assignemnt" prior to spring break and he knew he was busted. We get behavior reports every monday from the school with all info noted. SS saw he had a bad report and since he knew he had just been told that he won't be getting his video games back until we saw his report card, and that prior ot that he was told that he wouldn't be going on the school trip or getting his tv/video games back untill he showed some consistent progress, he decided to resort to his attitude.

DH reminded SS that he had the entire week, but he wanted to spend time with cousins, etc. SS said "well, sometimes I need a break from this place" SIDE NOTE - YOU CAN BET I TOOK THAT OPPORTUNITY TO REMIND DH THAT I ALSO NEEDED A BREAK FROM SS LAST WEEK WHEN i WENT TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK WITHOUT SS.


DH tells SS that we have rules, we pay a lot of money for the school, and that he's most upset about the attitude.

Then he asks, "what do you want to go live with BM"

And ss says, "She won't take me" - which is detailed heavily per another blog, but it is the truth.

So DH tells him to shape up.

DH is pissed. I remind DH that I hope WE will be discussing proper next steps prior to DH alerting him to the consequences of his actions. I also told him that there was no way in hell that I'd EVER let one of my children speak to me the way that that kid speaks to him and then pay money and stick him on a plane for a cross country field trip in less than a month.

Jellybeam's picture

Remember when we were kids? We would've been smacked about the face and knocked to the floor if we had spoken to any adult the way some kids speak to their parents. Child abuse blah blah blah. Child abuse is letting kids do whatever the hell they want. Parents pay for it, the kids pay for it and society pays for it-because these are the kids that grow up to become prisoners and welfare recipients.

step off already's picture

Yes. I agree 100%. I used to teach middle school and was dumbfounded by what some of these kids do. Now I have one of my very own living in my home - except he's not my own, he's my SS, so I don't actually have the power to make final decisions, etc.

I DO NOT want this kid to go on his trip next month. Friday the final payment of $250 is due and there is a parent meeting. Teacher is also sending home the report card today.

I told DH that I wouldn't be sending one of my children on a trip if they spoke to me like that. I also told him that when my Dad pulled me from a class trip in 8th grade that that was a lesson that I remembered my ENTIRE life. I did something bad at school (first time ever) and my dad let it slide, gave me a talking to and then let me know if I messed up again, I'd be on a month of restriction. Wouldn't you know it, the following week I did something else and BAM! Dad followed through.

step off already's picture

Oh and do you think DH realizes that $250 is due this Friday? Not a chance. Do you think he knows about the mandatory parent meeting this Friday? Nope.

Luckily, we are a bit behind this month due to last month's birthday expenditures for DD and SS - so there's that as well.