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Sad for Hubby

SoFrustrated's picture

This weekend visitation was ok, but not great. The skids came over and were so excited to show off their new purchases and electronics. Ok, whatever. Then they sat on the couch side by side and turned on their laptops and got on facebook. Then proceeded the littany: "Mommy did this, Mommy did that, Mommy plans to do this, Mommy said this, isn't that SO funny?" Oh please, :sick:

This is all normal though. What really was sad was Hubby. Friday night he came to bed and said to me "those aren't my little girls anymore." I asked him what he meant by that. He said that they are starting to sound and act exactly like BM, and unfortunately he can't stand to be around BM and that was making him uncomfortable around the girls.

Then on Saturday we went out and did some different things. I can't believe how SD14 acted. She yelled at a sales clerk because she wouldn't bend policy for her and give her cash for her gift card. She told the clerk that everything in the store was ugly and she wanted her money. Under the circumstances I thought the clerk handled it well until Hubby was able to intervene. But SD14 raged about it, accusing the clerk of being rude and abusive. Um, it was SD14 who was being rude and abusive. Lucky for her, Hubby got to her first because if it had been me I would have dragged her out of the store by her ear. As it was we left the store completely embarassed and we went home instead of doing more shopping like we had planned. Hubby told me that whole tirade was an exact copy of BM's behavior. And SD12 tried to defend her behavior!

The whole weekend was a series of lies. I even caught SD12 cheating at a board game red handed! And she tried to pretend she was confused and didn't understand. Three other times this weekend we caught her in a lie and each time she pretended like she didn't understand and that it was a mistake. And these were simple things, so why lie about them?? I just don't understand.

When we dropped them off Sunday evening we were both relieved. Hubby told me that when they're gone he misses them so much, but as soon as they open their mouths he wants to send them back to BM. She has created miniature copies of herself. And since she is an evil, manipulative, compulsive lier, she is turning the skids into manipulative liers. So far I haven't seen signs of evil, so I hold out some hope.

However, on one note, some lying they did turned around and bit them in the butt. They told BM they didn't like this one reward program we'd set up that lets them earn prizes and different treats. They told BM they did chores all day long to earn just a point or two (since when did emptying the dishwasher and cleaning up after dinner become day long chores?) and that they never got to relax and play. Well, BM had called us a couple weeks ago raging at us for the indentured servitude we had placed the skids under, telling us how the skids had "cried" about it. So we stopped the reward system. If they are going to complain about it, we just won't do it. Well, SD14 asked how many more points she needed for her next reward. I turned to her and told her "remember when you told your mom how much you hated the reward chart? Well, she told us about it and so we have gotten rid of it. Isn't that what you wanted?" I said with the most innocent expression I could muster. SD14 looked like I had just slapped her and SD12 looked like a landed fish. I know they liked the reward chart, heck, they helped come up with it. But we're not going to let them get away with making up lies to their mother. The expressions on their faces were priceless }:)


Shell8078's picture

Sound like how our BM’s daughters were (not DH kids BM previous Marriage). If they aren't brought up right and surrounded by a person like BM they will ultimately follow her and eventually end up like her in life.

Thankfully our BM and the Girls went with their Dad and his wife and omg the change in these two girls is tremendous ( according to DH). They will now have a chance at a successful life.

Good Luck

ladybugfae's picture

OMG!! The arguing and debating from kids sends me over the edge. I feel your pain.