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soconfused's Blog

I know its been a while since i posted

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but I have left him and am at a shelter now working on getting a mobility application to the courts in order to move back to ohio. I have my daughter and my son with me and i hope to be able to go home but the fall hopefully. i really hope he doesnt fight me but in either case i feel confident i can win and prove that i can have a better life for my son in ohio.

I've come to a realization.....

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I'm not a wife or step-mom, I'm a glorified live in babysitter. i only have authority on the kids when im alone with them. DH belittles me and treats me like a child most days, assumes not only authority of his kids with discipline but tries with my daughter as well. i will no longer live where im just a babysitter and being treated like a child myself. he will be mad i know he will but i dont care anymore. not my kids not my problem in fact my problem is dh mostly so im solving that problem and decided im leaving tonight.

beyond frustrated!!!

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im sick of one minute DH backing me up and next its im too hard on SS8, but then its i never discipline SS8 and just yap at him. which is not true i do discipline him but 70% of the time DH is circumventing what i am doing. so then i tell him to deal with it and its i dont care about his kids blah the blah blah. BTW have i mentioned i love just love getting scolded by DH right in front of not only his kids but mine as well. can anyone note the sarcasm???? then its we have to listen to SS8's ideas of where to go. its always SS8 where would you like to go.

weekends... ughhh...

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I dont know how much more i can handle. BM is supposed to take weekends friday after school to sunday 10am. this weekend and last weekend she has stated shes not coming. last weekend turned out she and her husband were sick with the stomach flu. this weekend its cuz they were afraid the boys ss8 and ss6 would get sick and didnt want to chance them coming to their house and getting them sick. so now i get ss6 who is great and doesnt care which house hes at and ss8 who is beyond pissed im guessing at BM but who gets it taken out on. SM!!!! yep i get all the fire not BM.

No respect or credit where credit is due... *vent*

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Last night I was so angry at DH. He who after we had dinner in town with MIL to which he didn't say much to me all dinner like usual, thankfully I had MIL to talk to, comes home immediately goes on the computer the 3 older kids go play and the baby plays nearby me in the living room. Then he switch to going over and playing a damn video game he's been obsessing over. so i go on the computer he's constantly calling me in to the room to help with a kid or something wouldn't get off his ass. so then when i go up to finish the laundry every 5 minutes hes calling me still for something.