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snoopyinoz's Blog

Update to HO-LY CRAP

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Four days. Four wonderful days of bliss shot. I get an email from SD10s teacher telling me that SD is basically being a shit. (DH is out of town for work due back tomorrow) looks like activities for tonight have been put on hold and looks like the DI in me is gonna come out again. *sigh* looks like a long night. Not to mention the Skids are out of school tomorrow


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:jawdrop: This past weekend I saw DH in a mood that I have NEVER seen him in before. :jawdrop: DH is normally laid back, and will raise his voice when needed, but this past weekend he slipped into what I call Drill Instructor Mode.

You gotta be kidding me

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So from my previous blog I am doing nothing for the SKids until attitudes change. Tonight DH was gone with the Skids and I was in the kitchen fixing me something to eat. Well I knock stuff over and make a mess. As I reach under the sink to grab a rag to clean up said mess I just so happen to find 6 still dirty forks ,a dirty spoon, three dirty glasses and a casserole dish that is filthy. It is SD 10s chore to do dishes and DH is supposedly supervising her as she has a habit of hiding things so she doesn't have to wash them. Aparently he's not.

I can play that game

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So yesterday DH had a LOOOOONNNNGGGGG talk with the SKids about their attitude and piss poor behavior. The "I want gimmie gimmie gimme" crap and their all in all disrespect towards me AND DH. I just so happen to walk in as DH is talking about them being selfish and SD 10 says "well, snoopy is selfish she doesn't do ANYTHING for us it's ALL about HER" DH just sat there as my jaw dropped! Excuse me?! I cook pick them up from school sign their adgendas take them to appointments attend school programs ect. Ok FINE. Whatever! So last night DH made them dinner. I went out for ME.

Dealing with dumb (vent and language) Kinda long

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Ok, so DH had to go to court in Jan because the LCM posted his findings, but BM didn't agree on them (Gee, no shock there) so, we were continued, and continued, and lo and behold, continued yet again. What I find funny is the fact that BM goes on about how she wants MORE visitation and MORE phone calls with the kids, yet can't even be so much as BOTHERED ot pick up the damn phone since CHRISTMAS! THats right Ladies and Gents, CHRISTMAS! DH and I picked the kids up after the holiday, and tomorrow will be 12 count em 12 weeks since we have heard a peep out of BM.

The "I don't treat SKids 7 ANY different than SKid 10" (Language!!!!!!!!)

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Ok, so my SDs are 7 and 10 almost 11 DH keeps going on and on that he doesn't treat SD7 ANY different than he does the older one. I call BULLSHIT! Prime example. SD10 has been known to not do her chores. DH will litterally SCREAM at her over this. Take away priveladges, ect. Well, over the weekend SD7 didn't have her chores done, and what does DH do? Not a damn thing! He told her "do your chores" that was IT! no loss of "fun" things,no getting on her ass till they were done, N-O-T-H-I-N-G. My breaking point was last night. SD10 got mouthy, and DH ripped into her about it.

First day of spring break and I'm ready for them to go back to school!

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This morning started out great then went to hell. SD 7 decided that she wants to get back into the "baby me, I can do no wrong" attitude. Soooooo not doing it. SD10 was trying to read and SD7 started in with her whiny high pitched fake crying bs and snatched SD10s book out of her hands and tossed it across the room. Needless to say, SD7 soon found herself in her room napping. I am sick of this shit from SD7! BM litterilly babies her (and hasn't seen the kids since Christmas BTW no contact at all) SD7 doesn't "get it" that she is NOT babied here by me or DH. Never has been!

What part of DO NOT do you not comprehend?

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Ugh, So the skids have been getting out early this week because of parent teacher confrences. And, all week, the skids have had problems understanding the word "DO NOT" as in "Do NOT be horsing around" (after teh second time, I said screw it, they get hurt, they get hurt, call me mean, but they have been told numerous times not to mention that its a house rule) "do NOT be tying strings, ribbons, ect around the cats necks" (Again HOUSE RULE and COMMON SENSE!) we have a kitten, and lo and behold I catch SD10 trying a scarf around the kittens neck and trying to lead it around the house.

O/T just feel so down

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I just don't care anymore. DH doesn't want to help out around the house, both SDs have had an attitude all weekend, my car is in the shop, so I'm driving DHs jeep. Which I HATE driving, parent teacher conferences are this week, so the kids get out early starting tomorrow NOT looking foward to that. I just feel so down and it's only Monday.

Ticked at the school!

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Ugh! Ok so yesterday SD 10 says her arm hurt and she shows me this HUGE rash on it. Looking closer I see bits and pieces of a temp tattoo and the rash is in the shape of the tattoo. No biggie right? I dress it and think nothing of it (add temp tattoos to the list of things she's allergic to never had a reaction to them before) well SD tells me she saw the school nurse about it. No phone call from the nurse no note NOTHING from the school. Not five minuets later I have social services knocking at my door because the nurse reported it as child abuse!
