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I can play that game

snoopyinoz's picture

So yesterday DH had a LOOOOONNNNGGGGG talk with the SKids about their attitude and piss poor behavior. The "I want gimmie gimmie gimme" crap and their all in all disrespect towards me AND DH. I just so happen to walk in as DH is talking about them being selfish and SD 10 says "well, snoopy is selfish she doesn't do ANYTHING for us it's ALL about HER" DH just sat there as my jaw dropped! Excuse me?! I cook pick them up from school sign their adgendas take them to appointments attend school programs ect. Ok FINE. Whatever! So last night DH made them dinner. I went out for ME. This morning, I fixed MYSELF breakfast they ate cereal (I usually make a big breakfast on Sundays, it's a hold over from MY parents) they want to call me selfish when I bend over backwards. Hell no! I'll show them selfish. They asked DH this morning where THEIR food was and DH told them "your on your own, seeing as how Snoopy is just SOOOOO selfish, she's doing for herself and will no longer cater or do a damn thing for you two" so let's see how long this goes on before they realize I do a damn site more for them than what they think!


thefunmommy's picture

Nice to see your DH is supporting you, not being an ass about you not being at skids beck and call.

snoopyinoz's picture

DH works at a small company and cannot take time ALL the time to take the skids (mainly the oldest) to her counceling appts. As for picking them up from school, due to recent actions by BM we CANNOT let them walk home (we live a block from the school, BM is NOT in the picture and has threatened kidnapping) DH DOES help out around the house. For the last 2 years I have been the only "real mom" figure IN this house. And granted they ARE my STEP kids but I just see them as MY kids just like my parents treated my STEP siblings. My mother did not treat my dads three children as STEPS she treated them as HER children. And, as a SAH "mom" I do what any SAHM would do with bios.