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are you kidding me?

smurfy1smile's picture

We sent BM a new part of the proposal last Wednesday. She finally responded today - 7 days later. Plus BM has the balls to give BF a deadline (April 30, 2008) for figuring this all out or she is getting a mediator. If they get a mediator, BM will drag this out forever and cost both of them lots of time and money. She dragged her feet during the divorce and even changed lawyers. Pretty much all the money BF got out the divorce went to his lawyer. BM had not been forth coming with insurance costs and even her boss is helping her to pull the wool over BF's eyes. Sent her a letter last Monday and have not heard anything yet. I am going to email it to her and hope for some kind of responce this time around. BM is claiming she is getting into financial difficulties due to no support from BF. Yeah, right. Keep in mind while they were married he only brought home 800 per month cause they agreed on that amount when he opened his own business. And that is pretty much the amount she expects for child support. She makes twice what BF makes and if she would stop shopping that would help. She could give up her fake nails and personal trainer (5 ft 2 and that big around) and weekly massages. Baby is exclusively breastfed - so she says but we know its a lie - and her only other expence for baby is diapers and some clothes - but she got a ton of hand me downs so the kid is in no way needing for anything.

I am glad we only communicate with her via email or I would have to put my 2 cents in that she would heear. This way, for the most part, I am the one writing the emails and BF approves them adds stuff I may have forgotten.

Will it never end??