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OT My week started crappy and ended awesome!

smurfy1smile's picture

So I have been working at this super crappy job for about 2 months now and desperately looking for something else. The hours are crappy (too few), the pay is ridiculus (my son makes a buck less an hour than me) and the kicker - the boss has temper tantrums almost every week. I mean full blown crazy fits - screaming swear words and once throwing stuff. I have sent out at least 200 resumes since I lost my super awesome job back in mid-November and went on a few interviews with no luck. So Monday, I see this ad on Craig's List for a medical assistant and the job sounds interesting but I have no medical background so I really don't think they will contact me but its worth a shot. I get an email on Wednesday telling me about the company, the pay, the hours etc and to email back if I am still interested which I was. So I email back and then get another email asking when they can call me. I answer anytime so they call me like 20 minutes later. We chat and the job and such sounds wonderful. The lady asks if I can come to training the next day 150 miles away. No problem. I went on Thursday and the job was great. I am an assistant to a traveling podiatrist who goes to nursing homes to check out the residents feet. I have to keep track of the patients, pull charts, go get the patients, remove their shoes and socks, bring them to the doc, when the doc is done put their shoes and socks back on and take them back to where I picked them up. Its a lot of walking but I don't care. I need the exercise. I have to travel all over the southern part of my state but I can work as little or as much as I want and if I am far from home and need to be in the same area the next day the company pays for a hotel for me.

I now make in a day what I made in a week at the crappy job I hated. Now I can work like 2 days a week or more. I can pick and choose my schedule to some degree. My BF is super supportive and he knew I was super unhappy at my last job. I think I found some place to work for quite a while. The company pays my mileage, travel time, hourly wage plus pays for my scrubs.



Most Evil's picture

That does sound great - congratulations!!! It is nice to see good news on the jobs front for a change-!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin