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I couldn't take it anymore

Smomlosingit's picture

Since my husband and I had a huge argument a month ago we have been trying to work things out. SD13 told him she didn't want to come to our house anymore. Two weeks ago he went to his parents to spend the weekend with her right after coming back home the Tuesday before. Ok. This past Friday again he went out there and he spent Saturday on his brother's boat with his wife, wife's friend (who BTW has cheated on her husband with several different men) that woman's husband and one of his friends drinking having a great time. While I took my BC and the son my husband and I share to a local petty zoo. Being an actual parent. yes, SD was with him with all the adults, but not quality time. He's far from a hands on dad. Over the past month he has given me $100 towards our bills which is far beyond what needs to run the house without things getting behind. He also has not spoken to SD13 to try and have her come to our house so we could all sit down and talk. The fight we had turned physical between us. It was one of the worst fights I have ever had in my entire life. I take it as since I spoke with my BD9 about the situation and tried rectifying it with her in an age appropriate way he should do the same. No, I was told I should've reached out to his daughter, I haven't tried to make things right with her. Not to mention BM is a total c word (I hate using that word, but that's exactly what she is) I feel it's DH's responsibility to at least bring things together. I can handle my own after that, but he should be the bridge like I was for my BD. Going to his parent's house and spending time with SD is not blending or helping the situation. Everything that is wrong is always my fault. Everything. I haven't done this or that or said this or that. I told him yesterday I can't live like this. Even with the last month he's been here there's been no effort on his part to fix things even between him and I. He made the comment to the effect of he's been just going through the motions, not even trying. Then, why stay married????? I am not nor our son is any kind of priority and just like I've seen on my posts the "mini wife" take priority over everything. There is no one else's feelings, thoughts, or anything more important. And again, on his part, to go through a second divorce, and be a part- time dad to another child. It seems he just doesn't love me as much as I love him. He doesn't know how to be a husband (not really how to be a father either) so I can't play second fiddle all the time or be put on the back burner either. Neither can responsibilities like things. Yesterday I said I can't live like this anymore and asked him to get his stuff and go. Didn't put up a fight and he did it. Of course I'm getting jabs via text and I'm just ignoring. Things to get a rise out of me and I'm just not playing into it. I love him so much, but I'm only hurting myself staying with him. 


Siemprematahari's picture

Good for you for taking your power back. You and your children are priority and if he's not willing to put in the work to improve things than you have no choice but to remove yourself from this toxic and very unhealthy relationship. I'm sorry that things turned physical between you both and that is a red flag that the relationship is in need of repair.

Have you thought of your next steps as far as separation, counseling, or divorce? Please do some soul searching and do what is best for you and your children. Do not entertain any of his messages until you figure out what you want to do. Its obvious he doesn't place your marriage first and if that's the case you have to pick yourself up and move forward.....without him.

Wishing you much clarity and strength.

Smomlosingit's picture

I'm trying to be strong, but it's so hard. I just looked up our son's social to go ahead and call child support. I don't want it to be over, but I want him to get the hint. I think I'm nervous he's going to just not fight for our marriage once he gets that letter. I want him to fight. I've told him before I want to feel like I matter and not just words, but in actions. Since he doesn't and he claims that's just not how he is is detrimental to me. I don't see if you love someone so much how you can just roll over. That's the type of person I am you will move mountains. I think I'm also scared if he gets the papers and just rolls over 6 years of my life with someone who I considered my best friend just went down the drain. Just before the huge fight we were considering having another child. We were the best we had been in a long time and now since the fight it's just he's just here. It makes my heart just ache to be with someone who just doesn't do any kind of effort into anything except his daughter when I loved him enough to marry and have a child with him. 

Siemprematahari's picture

Sweety you can't keep fighting for someone that isn't willing to fight for you. It takes two and right now it is one sided. You don't want 6 years of your life down the drain but do you want to spend 6 more years of BS? You want to spend more years on a man that doesn't love you the way you deserve? He doesn't appreciate you and all that you have to offer but trust me, someone else will.

You have to fight for yourself in this and if he's not willing to do the hard work than you have nothing to sustain your marriage. Don't be like many women in this world who wish they would have walked out when they had the chance, instead of dealing with years of BS. You will regret it!

I know its hard and I've been there but you can't operate on fear. This is for you and your kids! Let that be your strength.

Smomlosingit's picture

I know!!!  Why can't I just do it???  Why can't I just walk away????  What is wrong with me????  Am I that damaged I need to put up with it????

justmakingthebest's picture

The fact that your fight turned physical and you have young children at home is nothing but alarms to me! 

The way you phased it makes me feel like there is a lot to that story and maybe even you struck first? Either way- if your relationship is so hostile that things get physical, you need to get out of there. You do not want your children growing up to believe that mommy and daddy getting in real fights is how families act. 

Walk away or kick him out. One or the other, it isn't that hard. Make the move, stand strong, you can do this!

Smomlosingit's picture

No, while we were arguing he kept saying "hit me I'll have you locked up." over and over again. I did not lay a finger on him, but I did ball up my fist and clench my teeth because he was so arrogant and I felt you would call the cops on your wife how dare you. But I never swong or struck him. We were sitting up in bed so after I put my fist down he grabbed my throat and put me down on the bed and held me there, but a very tight grip. So tight I had bruises on my neck for days and while he was holding my neck I couldn't breathe and made a couple of choking noises. 

I know what you're telling me. It's just the mind and heart playing games. I don't want to live like this. I know I deserve so much more. Even if it means never finding anyone that's fine with me or not even a thought in my head of I'm scared of being single. It's more of I want him, but he's too stupid to reallize and I'm not important enough part of his life. Like throw me like a piece of trash it feels like. I can take ya or leave ya type attitude. Then, the mind games come into play. Like a friend stated it's comfortable so let me tell her what she wants to hear and not put in the work I said I would. If he would just say I don't love you it would make it easier on me. Or at least I hope so. 


justmakingthebest's picture

Ok wow... you need to leave. This is serious. PLEASE tell me you took pictures? You can have an RO put in place. It will make him leave the family home and you get to stay there. It won't last forever that you can stay if your name isn't on the home at all, or if you don't want to live there. 

Trust me... it only gets worse from here. This site saved my life a while back. I know my ex would have seriously hurt or possibly killed me if I stayed. I was doing the same dance you are. Please, please, please go talk to a magistrate and get a temporary RO and have the police escort your H out of the house. From there comes the temp, you have to show a judge the pictures for that. Then the final which is good for a few years. As long as you have pictures you will get it. 

Really try and supervised visits for your kids!  

Aunt Agatha's picture

Get help.  That was absolute abuse.  Did you think to get pictures of the bruises?  If so, this is restraining order territory.

Please do not waste another second on this abuser.  His great love is himself, and now that you are not facilitating him, I’m afraid he will have little use for you.  He is already out partying.

As hard as it is right now for you, make sure he is gone for good.  No one is worth risking your and your children’s physical or mental safety over, and I’m afraid this situation will not get better as it’s clear he is not willing to make this work.

You are a strong person and you can do this.

Hugs to you!

Smomlosingit's picture

I do have pictures and I didn't have him locked up which I could've easily done. Even that I got no kind of "credit" for I guess you could say. My mother was also asked by my MIL "why don't you ask your daughter why he did that? Was it because she was drinking all day?" Because I had posted to social media a drink (we were on vacation at the time of this) and said "Time to get drunk" with a smiley face. We were lounging by the pool and no I didn't get drunk (his family and him all knows I'm not even close to being an alcoholic). The only time I even drink is during special occassions like vacations or holidays and I work for an alcohol company. I don't have time to drink with two kids. I got my partying out when I was younger. But the bal*s in plain English his mother to even try to excuse his actions because I was drinking was appauling. He said she was just mad, but I told him why doesn't she ask herself why her husband cheats on her all the time then?

I've done it so far it's just taking the other steps. He's out of the house and I'm avoiding talking to him, but it just hurts. I hate being a woman because having feelings sucks.

Merry's picture

His abusive behavior would still not be your fault even if you were drinking/drunk.

Please get out of there. Focus on that one goal and forget all the rest of the stupid drama swirling around you.

Siemprematahari's picture

It doesn't matter how many drinks you had. He should have NEVER put his hands on you and shame on him for being such an @sshole to think that was ok. I pray you leave him and that there will never be a "next time". He clearly has no respect for you and I know your mind & heart is in conflict but you need to love yourself enough to know that you don't deserve this and you need to get out now.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

is one of the strongest risk factors on determining if domestic violence will escalate to homicide.  Men who choke their partners are 10 times more likely to eventually kill them. There are many ways he could have physically hurt you - he chose the way that was also the easiest to kill you (without using a weapon.) Do some reading about strangulation and domestic violence - it is scary.

Talk about burying the lede - he choked you until you had difficulty breathing. That could be considered attempted homicide. What happened to you was way more than a physical altercation.

Please call the The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 and get some advice and support.

It is not too late to make a police report.

justmakingthebest's picture

This is so true. I am 5ft tall and weighed about 125... My ex was 6"7 and 240lbs. He pinned me to the wall and lifted me by my neck, choking me and threatened to kill me in front of my 5 yr old daughter. You need to leave. PM me if you want to talk privately! 

StepMamaBear6's picture

I am at a loss for words so I will just echo what others have said and add, “Change the locks,” so that he doesn’t come in and strangle you in the night to get out of child support or to get his child full time.