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ot-but funny

smnikki's picture

so everyday i check my gift registry to see if we have gotten anything new! I love it, my family is so great and we have been getting great stuff! I love rachel ray, and registered for a bunch of her stuff! we already got her whole cookware line!!

lol, but today there was only one item new! The rachel ray garbage that means some one got us only a garbage bowl, lol, my mind cant help think that this will come from one of my lovely inlaws with some kind of note attached! My fh, sweet thing that he his says he thinks it was some one who knows i like rr and will most likely be giving a gift card too or something. he is always trying to be positive!

But me? ive learned...maybe it will come with a card from is something for you to keep your new wife in, lol

have any of you received gifts from your in laws that were weird, funny, or clearly had a derogatory meaning to it?


WowjustWow's picture

MIL & Grand-MIL gives cash. I love it!

~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.

Wicked2Three's picture

That's hysterical! "keep your new wife in" Pffft! That cracked me up! At least you have a sense of humor about it. Sorry about the bad relations.

I have to complain and brag at the same time. I have an issue with MIL because she has her head firmly lodged up FIL's behind and when not snuggled up there she is at work. It's to the point of ridiculous. I needed her to watch one of my kids for a few hours while I did something (committed to) with another. I gave her the schedule for a 2 month period, she couldn't find the time. Now this is only for 3 hours mind you. Another session came up and again I gave her the schedule for a 2 month period, still...NO. Arrrgh! However, I suppose I should forgive her. For Mother's Day this year she gave be a sweet card and a beautiful gardenia to plant in my yard in honor of my Mom who passed away a few months ago.

Maybe someday when the chips are down your in-laws will redeem themselves. Even if it's just something little.