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Back from paradise to BM HELL!

smnikki's picture

the day before we left, ss had tball, and it was our night. bm showed up before us with ss (it was her day to pick him up from day care and take him even though its our night) and she informs my fil that she is going to tell my dh that she will be keeping him for the night because she is going camping in the morning. DH gets there and she approaches him, he says no that we are leaving for 8 days, he wont see him its our night, and she can pick him up in the morning. BM flips out, and starts yelling, scoops ss up and leaves with him. we called the police and just filed a report with witness as to what occurred for going to court purposes.

we left the next day for jamaica, we did not call at all while we were gone, and there were no voice mails from her. We get to the connecting airport, and DH calls bm to talk to ss, but he is at daycare. DH hangs up and she calls right back to say that its technically her weekend and hopefully he doesn't think hes getting him. He says no thats fine, we will continue with regular schedule, she goes on to try and complain about why DH didnt call, Um hello idiot i was out of the country?! anyways, he talks to ss when we get to the local airport, and she tries to harass dh some more and he hangs up on her.

Last night, dh picks up ss from daycare since it is our night, they get home we have dinner and then we are all playing together. BM keeps calling. Finally bm leaves a message, i need to know if i can pick up ss early im leaving the state to visit my grandparnts. Dh calls back to leave a message because she doesnt answer, ss is with smnikki downstairs and we are busy, but that is fine be here at 830am. also, when you get back we are going to have a serious talk about your behavior and what you did at tball. She shortly after starts calling repeatedly. We call the police and file again, this time for harassment.

the main thing is that i have inside info about her, and for some reason the are terminating ss's daycare next week. We dont know if she is not paying or what the heck is going on. She will not return any phone calls today. What should we do?


smnikki's picture

but she doesnt know.

BM finally called the day care to say that she would be going on monday to re apply for asst with child care. the day care lady informed us that bm has not paid her yet this month, and advised us to call the cs office immediatly to ask for a refund because they way it works for us is that, my dh pays 294 a month cs, but 270 of that is child care, so bm is supposed to get her check, and the pay the day care lady in full.

Bm also called my dh back and said that she has been on disability since june first and that she can only sign him up for 30hrs for day care and she will be dealing with it monday. The thing is that she has not said a word to my dh about any of this. He is calling them right now, and Tuesday is filing to go to court.

HummingBirdHunny's picture

Smnikki, since your husband is filing to go to court on Tuesday. You should request receipts from the day care provider showing proof of the last time BM paid for SS daycare. And then show proof as well that he paid her the money for daycare for the time she was supposed to pay for but didn't. Then BM can't say he never paid CS for daycare when he did. Also you should submit the police reports to the courts as well showing she is trying to keep SS when its clearly your time with him and what not. Good luck hon. Keep us posted.

smnikki's picture

im calling dh right now to tell him to request the receipts from the day care! The lady dh talked to today seemed to think bm is in a whole lot of trouble, with the govt for giving false info, and keeping money of ours that is said to be for child care NOT child support. According to the way all the documents read, we will be able to take her to small claims court for the balance of child care money we have been providing that she has been pocketing.

Judges may not care when a bm screws a dad, but im sure they wont be happy that she has been cheating the system! Ill update as soon as i know, i cant wait to see the look on bm's face when she realizes she is screwed!


PnutButta's picture

your DH is on the ball and willing to put her in her place. What a wench!! I hope that not only does she have to pay you back, but they fine her as well...

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