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Question regarding right to know

skid101's picture

Hello.. New member here. I recently found out from my SD8 that she has been seeing a psychiatrist weekly. My hubby never mentioned it. I'm concerned about this omission. Because this child is in my home with my baby, don't I have a right to know what this mental issue is? I'm not asking for a transcript of her sessions. I really just want to make sure she isn't suffering from something serious that I should be aware of. There isn't any shortage of stories on the news about kids being suicidal/homocidal and I want to know what I'm dealing with.

Now.. if hubby blows me off do I ask the the BM directly? Thanks for any assistance or advice you can provide.


skid101's picture

I think he kept it to himself because he didn't want me to know his precious princess wasn't perfect. Or maybe there is another reason.. Don't know.. don't care. I just want to know what the deal is. If he doesn't share her diagnosis with me, then what? Do I just sleep with my door locked and hope that she's not suffering from multiple personality disorder, with a sprinkle of bi-polar, ADD and pure crazy? I feeel so in the dark. Why do you say, not to ask BM.. just curious?

B22S22's picture

And by asking BM, I'd feel like I was disclosing that my DH and I have ZERO communication. BM doesn't need to know that, either.


Could SD8 be seeing someone because of her behavior or needing to talk to someone because of the break up. How long has Dad and BM been apart? How old was SD when this happened?

You should ask DH what is the deal and say you have concerns because the child is in your home. I don't know that I'd go directly to killer kids per se.

Did DH even know she was going?

skid101's picture

He tried to play dumb.. but I know he knew. He doesn't want anyone to think that his perfect princess could be "defective" I know he will look at my questions as being intrusive, but I really don't GAF. I want to know that she's not bat shit loony tunes. The last thing I need is to find out she's been having weird fantasies about smothering me or mine in our sleep! If it's ADD then fine. But I don't understand the secrecy. They've been apart for 4 years. BM has remarried.


I was curious. I split with my exH when my daughter was 4 and now she's 10. Because she was so young, it didn't really hit her until like 7-8 years old. So that's a possibility.

I agree it shouldn't be a secret. Does DH share other things about the sk? Or is he like my DH, keep it hidden until he gets slapped in the face with it? I am accused of just hating my SDs, nope not entirely true, I hate their behavior and I blame their lame ass parents, which unfortunately one of them is my DH.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

So in your world view, if someone visits a psychiatrist they are defective? The vast majority of people who seek therapy or medical intervention for mental issues are not violent or dangerous or defective.

If the child was dangerous I'm sure you would already know it from her actions. Just because she is seeing a psychiatrist does not mean she is dangerous. That is a huge jump in logic.

That being said - of course your DH should tell you what is going on.

skid101's picture

The kid told me. It could be ANYTHING. I agree. I just feel like I have a right to know exactly what it is. Do I have that right or no? This is foreign territory for me. Thank you.

DaizyDuke's picture

You definitely have the right to know. Given that SD is the one that told you, you have the perfect opportunity here to ask DH WITHOUT putting him on the defense. I'd just say something along the lines of "Oh BTW, DH, SD mentioned something about therapy and I felt terribly stupid, because I wasn't sure what she was talking about and wasn't quite sure how to proceed with the conversation?" *blink blink* DH will be forced to tell you what's up but not because you came at him with a "it's my right to know" speech. Wink