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That didn't last long

SisterNeko's picture

BM was mad at us a few weeks ago. It started Monday when BM txt'ed BF a pic. That is not shocking by it's self but since BM was so mad and declared that she 'Wanted nothing from BF' i find it funny that she seems to have suddenly forgiven him and agreed to his terms (so far) to only talk to him about the kids.

The txt was cute - yeah I saw it - it was SS4 and had the caption that she had let me dress himself that day and he was all mismatched. BF didn't reply to it though, since that may have been her plan - to start a conversation with him. A conversation that could lead any where.

Yesterday she called BF twice.

First she called becuase - SS4 had a doctor's appointment (check up) and as BF and I both predicted, it did not go well. SS4 threw a fit and BM can't handle him so the doc was only able to get his weight and height. The doctor suggested making a new appointment and sedating him so that he can get everything done including bringing in a dentist - he also said that it would be a good idea to do that when they take him to the eye specialist. But they can't when BF takes him to the numerologist next week (for his autism) - becuase they clearly need him awake for that. Other wise they are just going to make him afraid of the doctor's office. BM also told BF that he could call the doctor to confirm this. Which if I were him I would becuase she lies a lot. Honestly I think sedation may be a little excessive the truth being that SS4 has BM's number. She has taken him to doc appts in the past and walked out with him when he throws a fit and SS4 does not like them so of course he is gonna throw a fit so they will leave.

Then she called back - BM also said that she talked to the doctor about SS6 and the 'hand flapping', she basically repeated what BF had already told her becuase BF had called the doc about it in the first place (after he asked BM to ask him and she didn't). The doc said it was behavioral - which I think BM may think that means there is nothing wrong, but behavioral means it could be mental or emotional. So more neurological or psychological rather than physical or medical. BF would still like to get him tested but BM is still not up for it yet.

Now when it comes to the kids - especially medically I have disengaged. So when BF was telling me all this I acted interested and supportive but gave little input into what he should do. I do have concerns but I am choosing to keep them to myself for the most part. I may tell BF that I was (partially) sedated as a child at dentist apps and to this day I can't go to a dentist without getting really nervous and having to be given 'gas' for any medical thing dentist do. I would like to know what kind of sedation they are thinking about using but I don't want to ask.

I am waiting for her conversation to move from the kids back to OUR relationship. I think that is just a matter of time and I have been prepping BF for it so that he will stick to his guns and simply say, I am not disusing that with you. Also BF and I have decided that I will no longer be 'leaving the room' when she comes over. If she is dumb enough to walk into my house then she should expect to see me. I will not talk to her or address. I told BF to not go into her house any more and maybe she will get the hint that she shouldn't come into our house.

I also want to state for the record that I fully expect BM to try to txt me again. If she does you guys will be the first to know and I will be changing my cell number. I think she will start to believe that she has 'mended' her relationship with BF soon and will then try to 'mend' her relationship with me, but she can go to HELL-no Smile I did tell BF (jokingly) that maybe I should send some of those pictures back to her (the ones she gave us of BF when the 1st started dating) , she is gonna need them more than me, since I have the real things to look at Smile


WhattaMess's picture

Eh, whatever...

my exh and I can fight like cats & dogs, and we will go at it with daggers out, and words being thrown around, and feelings being hurt, and things said out of being pissed.. and the next day........We're back to being cordial discussing the kids...

its all apart of life, and having a relationship with someone whether just a parent relationship, or a friendship... people are going to bitch, and moan, and complain, and agrue, and then you gotta put on the big girl panties and move the hell on and get past it...

Least she is taking a step foward in the right direction.