BM's one way mirror and MOTY Award
I need to get a hold of that mirror and break it. See if she does something it's fine, but if we do it OMG it's a holy war. But if you catch her doing it she lies about it. This was the case yesterday.
I go threw SS6's school bag every day to see if there is any homework or if he forgot anything. Yesterday I found a letter to the class from the teacher about a Halloween party on the 31st. The interesting part was SS6 was listed as bring a 'sweet' snack. There were 5 kids listed to bring stuff in, crackers, cheese, ect. And he was one of them. I called BF to see what was going on because the 31st is OUR week and I find it hard to believe that the teacher randomly selected SS6 to bring something, let alone a sweet treat - which BM usually gets from the store bakery.
Why it's funny - in May it was SS4's birthday and it was supposed to be on our week so BF and I had planned and already made up goody bags for his class. We found out at the last minute that the week before (BM's week) was SS4 last week of school so I took the goody bags to the school on Friday. BM called BF ticked off because we didn't tell her what we were doing and it was HER week, rambled something about 'respecting her as their mother'. (I don't even respect her as a human being) In reality she was upset because we made her look bad because she thought that I had provided treats for BOTH kids earlier in the month when it was SS6's birthday. But their birthdays are 25 days (and 2 years of course)apart and BF and I like to separate them where as BM throws 1 party for both on SS6's birthday.
So when BF called BM to ask her about the treats for the 31st, she said that she didn't know anything about it. Again I find that hard to believe. Then BF just said okay don't worry about it them, WE'LL send something to the class. It's just like she hasn't told BF about the parent teacher meeting next week yet - but the teacher did.
And her MOTY Award it getting tarnished big time lately. Sunday when she dropped them off she said that she didn't know when the fund raiser stuff was coming in but I baby sit SS6 for her on her weeks and I saw/copied a paper that said it was yesterday so Sunday we found the original paper still in SS6's bag and txted a picture of it to her saying we fond it in his bag.
Then she put in her stupid notebook all the stuff going on his week from the school calender which We have a copy of so we already knew. I told BF to do that same thing to her so see how she likes it.
And lastly she dropped SS4 off crying (again) come to find out he was over tired because he didn't sleep well the night before and then took a 3 hour nap. We gave him some ibporphen and 30 minutes later he was as happy as can be (headache maybe?) then we put both kids to bed early the next day they were like completely different kids, happy and alert. BF has suggested to BM that she not leave the TV's on in their rooms all night but she refuses to listen to us. BF wants to ask the teachers if they have any issues with the kids being over tired (any week). But we gave the teachers a calender of who week it is so it wouldn't be hard for them to figure out if the kids are always tired on BM's weeks.
She is really starting to fall from grace with SS^ (whom she ignores a lot) last week on Friday when she came to pick him up he started to pout, when she asked what was wrong he said that he didn't want to leave us. This week I was reading the school calender and I told SS6 that he didn't have school on Thursday-Friday he got excited and was like so I get to stay home with you? I was like no you'll be at your moms. Again he pouted, i think he know that he will be going to the sitters A.K.A Grandma's where there are no video games and not a lot of toys or other kids.
- SisterNeko's blog
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Oh and MOTY got SS6 hooked on
Oh and MOTY got SS6 hooked on phonics because he is having trouble with reading, She wanted to send it to our house but we said no,in our experience with him it's not the phonics that he struggles with, it's him being to lazy or distracted to actually read the words. He would rather look at the picture and guess what he thinks it says or when reading he adds letter and swears that they were in that word.
Plus BM doesn't do anything with him so maybe they can bond over their hooked on phonics.