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Christmas Gifts

singledadsgf89's picture


If I buy a gift for my boyfriend that is personalized of our bio child, do I have to get him one with his daughter too? I know I don't HAVE to do anything. But is it the right thing to do? Do you think he could possibly be hurt if I get him gifts from the child we share but not from his daughter?

One of the gifts I want to get him are socks with our baby's face on it. I had previously gotten him a car freshener with his son's face on it and he had been saying he wanted one of his daughter too which made me feel kind of guilty. 


ESMOD's picture

I guess the bottom line is that he does have two kids.. not just your one.  Is it kind of mean to expect his older child to sit there at christmas and watch him open daddy gifts that only recognize he has one child? not two? 

Honestly, I think it would be a kindness to provide him both.  A gift is supposed to be something you think the recipient would like... he would likely be thrilled to get a pair with both children on it. or one of each.  He has already hinted that to you.

But, you obviously are not obligated to do anything.. but you know it would be something he would like.

singledadsgf89's picture

We're not getting her until the week after so she won't be here for gift opening. We will keep her gifts here until we see her. 

missgingersnap2021's picture

I would get something with his daughters image name whatever on it. TO MAKE HIM HAPPY. Not becuase you are doing it for his daughter. I have had to do a lot to make DH happy over the years and some of them are just plain stupid! For example I have hung our stockings on the fireplace for the past 4 years. I always goes in the same order - DH, then mine, then SD's then the dogs. Well this year I decided to hang them from the 3 pane window near the tree (and not hang the dogs). So I did it DH, then me, then SD. The first thing he noticed was that from one angle in the livingroom her stocking was partially blocked by the tree (everywhere else you could see it just fine). He got butt hurt and bothered so bad by it that I had to rearrange the order. 

bertieb's picture

 I think getting another pair of socks with the daughter's  picture too would show how thoughtful you are. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I agree with the sentiment that the gift is for him, so it should be something he would enjoy. He would probably enjoy two pairs of socks with both kids' faces on them.

I think this is a situation where, since the gift is a thing, it should include both kids. If the gift were part of an experience, that would be different. I'm assuming the socks are something where you submit a picture and they print the socks with the face, yes? That's a thing. Aside from purchasing the item and sending the picture, you're not involved in the process of making it. It is easy enough to send another photo and $20 for a second pair.

Now, that changes when it's something that you're helping create and the experience of making the thing is just as important as the thing itself. If you want to take baby to get their footprints painted onto a decorative plate that you get to design and paint, too, I don't think your SK needs to be involved. In fact, if your SK wanted to paint some pottery for their dad, that sounds like an EXCELLENT father-child outing because making the thing - putting in the effort, making it personalized, spending time to do it - is what matters.

GrudgingSM's picture

I'll just be the salty one on this thread and say I feel like it is the other parents job to provide gifts from that kid. I provide a gift for my ex as the gift from the child that we share. I feel like it is my partner's ex who should provide gifts from his kids to him. I don't personally take that on and feel no guilt about it. It is not my responsibility.

Cover1W's picture

This is where I am.  I don't help YSD with gifts any longer. She's old enough (almost 16) to either get something herself or ask for help. Neither of which she ever does - she just makes some craft thing that looks like a 10 yo made it or recycles something she made in middle school. 

However, I DID help both SDs when they were younger, up to about age 12/13 when I started asking THEM what would you like to get your dad and started involving them in the process. THEY had to then start helping me as well.

If it's something from me only, like the sock thingy or air freshener, then it would be from ME - unless the SD HELPED you pick the photo and helped with the ordering, depending on age.

ESMOD's picture

I don't know... we also have heard stories here where the SM's resent the Exe's involvement in their celebrations via gifts they send with their kids.. "from the skids" when sometimes it is clearly BM needling them.

In a lovely pleasant world... parents could put aside their conflicts and help their children purchase for the other parent and the SP would not be bothered by the BM sending a gift with the kid that they clearly had a hand in picking out.

But, we don't live in nirvana least not most of the time.

We occasionally provided the girls some money and some access to shopping so they could buy gifts for "whoever" they wanted to. sister, mother, grandparents etc... but I don't think we ever picked something out for BM and to be honest, would never have occured to by face socks...or anything similar if we had.. 

I guess I just feel like if we are talking sub $20 dollar item... and we know it's something our partner would cherish.. something of both his kids... I don't think it would be horrible to buy both and let one be from each child to him. 

And... isn't that what a lot of the spirit of christmas is? being kind hearted... rising above and all? 

yeah.. he can buy his own face socks... but it sounds like he would really feel like it is special if she gave them to him.


GrudgingSM's picture

I guess as both a BM and an SM, I try and do what I would want on the other side as well. And I guess this is about BF's feelings. But as a BM, I would never make it my kiddos SM's job to take on the expense of gifts from the child. I feel like that's my responsibility to provide that for my son and my ex. I know there are more contentious divorce situation's out there where that might not be the case, but I feel it should be my responsibility in my expense.

and for me personally I often don't find it helpful when advice is unanimous, so I wanted to give a different perspective. It's not a vote on how OP should live their life. Their life is not a democracy we are voting on here. They should make their decisions that feel best to them, but I think it's useful in making a decision to know the range of options and perspectives. I don't need people to agree with it, just want to help the OP see all sides when making a decision. It's really not up to us to decide on their behalf what is right as we only ever have partial information. We are all just here to suggest our imperfect solutions and help the best we can, and for me I felt offering a different perspective would be the best way to contribute.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I definitely see and understand this viewpoint. In this particular instance, though, I guess I see it differently because the BF made mention that he wanted something OP had purchased that was personal and meaningful to him. Like, it was a direct request for a similar gift that included his other child.

That, for me, is where this gets sticky. Should OP's BF ask his ex to have the child get a similar gift? Or ask the child to ask BM to get that gift? I think many SMs would feel like that's a big boundary step for BM and SK to make a personalized gift that mimicked what SM had gotten.

Generic gifts - like books or a new fishing rod - make sense that the other BP would help the kid purchase. This just feels more personal than that. I think OP would be fine to either buy it herself or to have a talk with her BF about how, if he wants personalized things from SK, he should take SK out to make those personalized things. Or, OP's BF has to deal with potentially not getting those things because the person who should facilitate getting those kinds of personalized gifts is no longer his partner. Because, let's be honest, few kids are seeing air fresheners or socks with their faces on it and think "that's the perfect gift for my dad!" It's more of an intimate gift between partners to share in the child they created. 

SeeYouNever's picture

I don't do personalized gifts like this because of this very reason. The only personalized gifts DH gets are drawings or cute little crafts things with the kid's foot/hand prints. 

I almost ordered the socks you're talking about but I was planning on just doing a picture of the dog!

tog redux's picture

I personally would do it for both kids - depending on circumstances of your situation.  

ESMOD's picture

I looked back at your earlier post in 2019.. the girl was 6 then.. so she is 8.  your child is under 2 I think?  

I think I would ask SD if she wants to give her daddy socks with her face on them?  I think it's fine to help a skid get a present for their parent/your partner.

If money is so tight that you cannot swing that.. that is an entirely other situation.

singledadsgf89's picture

Yup! She is 9 and our son is 1.5. It's no problem getting another but I am an avid gift-giver so just wondering if this is expected for every other gift to come. Since my son's birth, I have given probably 5-6 personalized gifts of our son. The last time, which was the air freshener, was the only time he had mentioned that he wanted one for his daughter too. He had asked me for the website so that's why I'm wondering if I wasn't being considerate. 

ndc's picture

I think it depends on the age of his other child, your relationship with the other child, whether the BM typically gets him a gift from the other child, your resources and any number of things.  It's not the same for every step family. 

If I'm getting personalized gifts, I generally include all of DH's kids.  It may be one item with all three kids, or it might be one with my DD and one or two with the SDs.  I also make sure each child has a gift for DH.  BUT . . . we have the SDs half the time,  they are young and I have a relatively good relationship with them, and they are very good sisters to my DD (their half sister).  If they were disrespectful teens whose mother made my life a living hell, or who weren't kind to my DD, there's no way I'd buy a gift for them to give, even if I'd be doing it mostly for DH.

Thumper's picture

I would order 2 pairs of sock's. One pair  with EACH kids face on them., THEN package them as a pair. Left foot kid number 1, right foot kid number 2. BING BAM done. That would be cute.

Order 2 air fresheners, 1 with each kiddo pic? Package them together as 1 gift?

Is that possible...?


CajunMom's picture

Wow. This is really thoughtful and because of the child's age (I think someone said around 8 yrs), I'd so do this. Unity.That's what I see in this. I remember years ago before the toxic got super bad, I had a coffee cup made for DH.....with ALL the kids (his, mine) and he loved it. He always had great relationships with my kids so it was a treasure for him.

hereiam's picture

I had previously gotten him a car freshener with his son's face on it and he had been saying he wanted one of his daughter too

So, you have your answer.

The reality is, the gifts are from you and like LD stated, they should be something that he would enjoy and you know that he would love to have socks with BOTH of his kids' faces on them (there's a sentence I never thought I would say!).

He will love his gifts, you will feel good that he loves his gifts, SD will feel good. Win-win all around for very little effort.