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Cocky Behavior

Simpleton21's picture

I would be disgusted and embarassed if my kids treated their friends the way SD treats her.  SD had a friend over last night (despite a rule DH and I came up with together-but that is another story).  Anyways, I was already irritated with DH for not running this friend coming over by me first and just telling SD yes, therefore, undermining both of us.  He has reverted back to guilty daddy lately and I am really over it.  Apparently she asked 3 times before and he said now she knows she just has to ask 4 times to bypass his rules.  But back to this blog's topic.  SD walks in with her friend not realizing that I am in my bedroom and can hear everything she says (bedroom is right off the kitchen/dining area). I hear her say to her friend, "you're not the popular one, I am, you're lucky you're my friend" and then hear her continue to brag about how cool she is and how her friend isn't as cool.  I ignore it because I'm trying to disengage completely but man I felt bad for her "friend".  SD is so cocky and concieted and thinks she is the greatest at everything and that to me is a very bad trait to have.  If I ever heard my children talking that way to anyone not even a friend I would not be okay with it.  No wonder SD only has like 2 friends! 

P.S. This is just a vent.  I am not asking for advice so if you want to be COD/skid eccentric/sympathizer please don't bother commenting!


nengooseus's picture

She is straight out ugly to her friends.  Mean and offensive.  Put downs, etc.  When we see it, we call it out.  I have no tolerance for that kind of nastiness in my house.

Simpleton21's picture

Well at least you call her out on it.  DH is either just completly oblivious or doesn't have a problem with it.  If it were my children it would have been addressed!

Simpleton21's picture

LMAO, that was my thought too.  That poor little girl will hopefully decide she deserves better friends.  BM is taking SD and this little girl out of town this weekend so I'm sure the little girl is excited about that but I think if SD is that way with her all weekend the little girl won't want to go again. SD's only other friend she talks about is BM's daughter.  I feel like it is probably a bit of a forced friendship.  I had what I called a forced friendship growing up.  My mom's BFF's daughter.  She was an obnoxious little spoiled brat but her mom would take us places and do fun things so I would tolerate it.  After I grew up a bit I wanted nothing to do with that kid!  SD reminds me so much of that child so I feel like I can predict what will happen with SD because of it and so far most of my predictions have been pretty spot on.

Lady.Tremaine's picture

If your DH wasn't going through another guilty daddy phase of recap this to him. But of course he is . Because if he actually loved not coddled the crap out of her he would have an epiphany that this behavior will lead to an unhappy life 

But he's being "fun" so have fun with your bios this weekend. Maybe treat them after shopping to give him something to actually complain about.

Simpleton21's picture

Yep, I'm fully aware that his guilty daddy syndrome is part of the problem.  I've exhausted myself trying to explain this to him in the past and he just reverts right back to it. 

Now I will do what I do have control over.  No more helping with SD and leaving when she is there.  She always competes for his attention anyways.  She can have it all and he can deal with what he created on his own!

Lady.Tremaine's picture

Ew. I know your SD from past blogs but it's always a little gross to see teens up their fathers a-- 

Hope he enjoys it when stinky is 19 with no social life

Simpleton21's picture

I'm honestly hoping by 19 she just decides to quit visiting.  I doubt I'll be that lucky but fingers crossed! LOL!

I'm sure if she is still visiting he will be running around like an idiot trying to cater to and entertain a 19yo and I will be out enjoying my life without them because I will not sit around and watch that!

CLove's picture

I always say it that way to SD14. That person is an "ugly on the inside" person.

Not always the parent's fault...

Simpleton21's picture

I know it isn't always the parents fault but I do feel in this case it is b/c they have spoiled her rotten and made her to believe she is the center of the universe.  To bad SD is ugly inside and out Bad

Dovina's picture

She is awful. That poor friend. This will stay with her for a long time. Hope SD knows karma awaits. After that I would have made sure her friend got royal treatment as a valued guest as you tell SD she better go practice pitching for the 9 year olds ;) 

Simpleton21's picture

I was really busy finishing up work but I do like this idea.  I think it is comical that SD thinks these things anyways as I am most certain she isn't popular or cool.   I think SD is jealous of this girl b/c the girl was much cuter and likeable.  Karma will definitely catch up to SD. 

ndc's picture

Wow, just wow.  Most of the self absorbed, popular mean girls I knew were a bit more subtle than that.

Do you think it's possible that SD has low self esteem and speaks/acts like that in the hope that if she says it, it will be so, or do you think a kid with hardly any friends who can't play a sport to save her life would really be that conceited?

Simpleton21's picture

I'm pretty sure it is 100% possible that she has low self esteem and that contributes to her behavior.  I'm pretty sure her self esteem wouldn't be that low if BM didn't try to control her and act as if she was the most special little star at every thing she does.  Kids know when they aren't the best at something. 

advice.only2's picture

Given the fact that BM and DH tell her what a special snowflake she is I could see SD believing she really is that much better than other kids.  I mean she is on a softball league for girls much younger than her and she believes that makes her something special.  She's going to be the kid that when she gets out in the real world she will expect a raise because she showed up for work on time.  Reality is going to slap her a good one someday. 

Simpleton21's picture

Yep, the fact that she is told she is amazing and the coaches are wrong or mean or whatever excuse mommy uses when SD isn't the star player have all contributed to this conceited little mess.  It could also have to do with low self esteem.  IDK, she's been in counseling for the past 7 years and that hasn't helped.  Probably b/c BM is the one that pics the counselor and every time DH starts to go she switches therapists to the therapists don't get the whole picture. 

Oh, if she ever gets a job she is going to be in for a rude awakening for sure!  She will definitely think she deserves more for just being her.

thinkthrice's picture

was and is a "mean girl" 

When she was 8 yrs old, she dumped a bottle of water over her 2nd cousin's head for no reason.  Was told she was athletic by Chef and the Gir.   Apparently the definition of "athletic" to guilty parents is overweight and huge for one's age.

Simpleton21's picture

I've witnessed SD's "mean girl" behavior for years.  With my ODS, with other kids, just by listening to her stories where she is trying to play victim and anyone with a brain cell can tell that she started the issue and when the other kid fought back SD was the victim.  She's learned to manipulate and play victim and not many good qualities. 

LOL, oh you def are accurate on that.  For guilty parents and HCGUBM MOTY types that is exactly what "athletic" equals.