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New Year’s Eve (Eve) Of Destruction

SideStepping's picture

With the end of the year comes the end of patience for the tiresomeness of tolerating boorish behavior perpetrated by my partner's pompous progeny.

Happy early new year from a longtime lurker who, after the latest in an endless pattern of unshockingly shocking behavior by one of my husband's adult children, is hoping for some kind of catharsis from the stress and frustration in a forum of peers who "get it" and are beyond the b.s.

I've been with my husband for seven years and married for over three, but we have known each other since childhood.  It is a second marriage for us both and while I was unable to have children, my husband has two from his previous marriage who are 25(SD) and 29(SS).  My husband's first marriage broke up when the SS was in middle-school, though it took a few years for them to divorce.  My husband's wife is manipulative and calculating with a penchant for pitting the children against their father and creating a perfect storm to further her plans of parental alienation.

When my husband left his ex-wife he did so because he felt the environment was hostile for his children.  His wife was always angry, controlling and raised her voice frequently, enjoying the thrill of an argument and was addicted to conflict.  After he left she began a campaign to vilify the children's father, preventing them from visitation, calling their father over to lecture and discipline their son who was increasingly acting out.  He once relayed how their son had been disrespectful, aggressive and destructive to the extent he was called over to "handle it" because his ex "couldn't do anything with him", so he went to the house, made his son pick everything up, lectured him, gave a warning about increasing consequences for continued misconduct and acting out violently and as he was leaving he heard his ex (who had called him to come over and handle it) say to their son, "see I told you your father is an @$$hole."  This set the tone for years to come of vilification vs. victimization.

In the early part of the breakup the BM would call my husband's father and her own father claiming my husband wasn't giving her money to care for the children, when he was giving her half his paycheck and when he learned she was "triple-dipping" from the family and spending most of the money on herself he went to court and demanded a court order detailing legal child support obligations, as they had originally set everything up by a verbal agreement which she maligned frequently.  Once the order was in place and his legal visitation also established she still toiled to undermine any relationship with his children and worked to keep them aligned against him.

ultimately, their son started getting into increasingly troublesome scenarios and he ended up packed off to a military attitude adjustment program.  Somehow this experience furthered my SS's victimization complex while simultaneously boosting his grandiose feelings and demonstrations of superiority that have been a constant driving force for him ever since. He is a powder keg of drama that respawns and cycles back through his same biofeedback loop like seasonal clockwork each year I've observed his malignant handiwork.

While my husband's relationship with his son has always been contentious (his son refused any visits or communication with his father for all of his formative teenage years other than birthdays and Christmas when he could do a present grab and we are currently in another season of estrangement as I write this screed), he maintained a much better relationship with his daughter.  Even now in her mid 20s she remains firmly under her mother's thumb, but still makes an effort to have a connection with her father.  At the time of the divorce she was in middle school and her father would look forward to his visitation time.  His ex would, bizarrely, follow the school bus to my husband's neighborhood and demand that their daughter get in her car and hang out with her until it got dark and my husband would have to go out in the yard looking for them and signaling for her to come in so she could get dinner, do homework and actually get visit time with her father.  She stalked them on the weekends when it was his visitation time and would harass the women with whom he established any relationship.  

With all of this chaos and toxicity I'm so grateful that his son was in his 20s and his daughter was 17 by the time I came into the picture.  His ex's behavior has already been largely intolerable for me as it is, but I have rejected all attempts at forming a "friendship" with me and redirect any communication to me back to my husband or their children.

This is a loose background of my husband's failed first family dynamics and I keep hoping for health, happiness and harmony for these kids of his, but it has been a bumpy ride and the road does not appear to be getting any smoother, which is unfortunate.


CLove's picture

Very well-written treatise! The background is helpful if not hopefull.

I have SD18 Princess Powersulk who has a largely positive relationship with her father, although she could give zero hoots about me and mine. Im over 10 years into this. Apparently SD18 PPS expects me to store her cr@p because "her mom" something something (I check out whenever Toxic Troll BM is mentioned...

I also have an elder SD25 Feral Forger and we are currently no contact (her choice and doing).

It doesnt seem to get easier over time. Just need to get wills and power of attorny items in place and watch your back.

SideStepping's picture

Thank you, there have been a lot of hopeful times and I prefer to choose the side of optimism as often as possible, though observing the various established negative patterns of behavior in my husband's kids and ex that continue to repeat themselves is a merry-go-round of frustration.

it's good that Princess Powersulk has a positive connection with her father.  I get it about zero hoots given.  I feel that way on occasion with my husband's kids, but for the most part they have been cordial and accepting of me.  
SD 25 is a really kind young lady and when I feel frustrated with her it is usually over the general carelessness and inconsideration that can come with being young in your early 20s and overly wrapped up in her own world making frustrating choices, not calling her grandmother on her birthday or promising to call her father repeatedly and eventually she finally gets around to it after he has been worrying over her call.  Amping up the contact in the time leading up to birthdays and Christmas, plus since we have been helping to pay on her schooling he gets to have more conversations more frequently now.

She is a hard worker, though still spends much of what she makes and is also controlled quite a bit by her mother (a few years ago her mom decided to move back to her home state she had been away from for more than 20 years and guilted SD 25 to move with her where they still live together and SD is at her mom's beck and call).  So she made new friends, got a new job at a restaurant and is in classes at an overly expensive technical college (which is good, but there's a story with this scenario as well.)

SS29 is the spoiled family malcontent with barely a modicum of impulse control and a questionablly negligent ability to regulate his own emotions. He is a blowhard, a braggart, a know-it-all, an expert at any topic broached by anyone in his vicinity and a perpetual victim seeking any avenue of attention he can suck into orbit in his vortex of malignant smug and sulkiness.  For at least 15 years he has financially exploited every relative and close friend, has had every vehicle he has owned be repossessed, filed bankruptcy before he was 25 and each month I have a compulsion to check our state's online court case information database to stay on top of what legal troubles he and his fiancé of 3 years are in so we can warn my husband's mother that her grandson might be hitting her up for more money.  (They get in legal trouble quite often.) And he works tons of hours in a good trade, brags to everyone who will listen about all the money he is making, posts on social media about all the stuff he buys himself and then has his mom paying for his and his fiancé's cell phones, begs his sister to cash app or Venmo him bill money and hits up his grandmother for rent money even now at almost 30 years of age.  He has three children, two of whom we have not met because of the current estrangement coming up on 3 years (long story about this, but boils down to my husband and I being the only people in his life to hold him accountable and set boundaries.).  

SS has a contentious, litigious relationship with the mother of his first child and with whom he is only allowed supervised visits at this time because of a recent legal/neglect situation and his fiancée and mother of other two are still going through legal troubles relating to her son by a previous relationship that they both got charged with neglect/endangerment while watching.  It is a big mess with big feelings, a lot of ego, and a lot of posturing and some sweet children caught up in an ugly situation being used as pawns. 

Our estrangement, to a degree, is mutual, but SS29 concocted a fanciful story involving his fiancé's pregnancy with the first child they had together as the basis for why they cut us off, however we had already set a boundary with them and they didn't like that narrative.  Was there something similar with Feral Forger and some kind of indignation she constructed for that purpose?

It's a definite need regarding advance directives and wills and a conversation my husband and I have touched on.  We are both largely on the same page with all of this, so I'm glad that will make things easier to agree on and arrange.

CLove's picture

In a nutshell - although she does have some medicated mental illness, mostly it is her child of divorce victim mentality and her never ending rewriting of history and twisted narrative.

This past June 2024, she texted DH asking for money to help pay a delinquent phone bill (over 200$) and when he told her that he didnt have the cash to give her, she went belligerent on him. "you abandoned me for your wh@re of a wife". When he responded with "well if you are going to be like that Ill let the family know what you are REALLY about", she went on the family text thread that I am also on and said "I guess you are all against me and taking the side of my abuser. Im out of this family". I have seen her once since then at a family bbq whereby I said nothing to her. She hugged her father. But she has been no contact.

Her false narrative has turned out to be a trap that she is not willing to release herself from.

SS - he sounds really bad. Using the innocent children as emotional hostages. He is probable also and addict of some sort. Im sorry you have to deal with that.

But good that you have a largely positive relationship with SD. To sort of balance it all out.

Rags's picture

When odiferous shit repeatedly tells you and demonstrates for you what it is, believe it.  What is there to be hopeful and optimistic about?  There is only one answer with these types. Nothing.  There is no hope that they will ever be other han what they clearly say and demonstrate.

Please gird your loins and take care of yourself keeping the shit in the cesspool where it belongs.


alwayslast1978's picture

My Skids are 10 and 14 and I hoped things would get better when got older.  I hate it when they are here.  It is getting a bit better but I honestly wish they werent in the pucture.  I would be so much happier without them around.  I was hoping it would get better when they grow up but now I am not so sure.  I honestly wish I never left my first marriage and put myself in this situation.  Biggest mistake I ever made.

Harry's picture

Anything.   What you see is what's there. Question is how do you handle it ?   Disengagement,  not your kid, not your circus,  send $25 gift cards.  Two try to be friends. Even though you know you , will be the bad guy in the end, with everything being your fault.   Realizing what you do will make a difference only to you.  Getting PTSD with us all 

Rags's picture

Far too many SParents have seemingly willful blinders to the fact that their chosen partner is as much responsible for the outcome of what these kids as is their X.

My SS won the mom lottery. My DW would move hell and high water to prevent her son from going down the path of the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool.  SS is the eldest of 4 all out of wedlock kids by three different baby mamas. He is a man of honor, character and performance in his life. He is a man of standing in his profession and his community.  My brides life mission has been to develop herself in order to set a quality example for our son and to demonstrate to him what a quality person, adult, and spouse is. She and I have demonstrated for our kid what a quality family is and a quality marriage is.  He sees that in the relationship and family that his GPs (my parents) have built.

Sadly the three younger SpermIdiot spawned half sibs include spawn #2 who is on the dole, #3 whi is in prison for an armed felony, and #4 who is not far behind the inmate.

Our son (My former SS-32  who asked me to adopt him when he was 22) has had zero contact with his SpermClan in years.  He knows to believe them when they have repeatedly shown them who and what they are.  

IMHO SParents need to have the ability to gain clarity on this stuff very quickly and keep the bullshit fully highlighted for their partner regarding the shit failed family spawn and their baggage.

IMHO of course.