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SideStepped's Blog

Not dead yet!

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DH and I have never agreed on this issue. He has a will from years ago when he was in the service. It leaves everything to his now XW. The only thing he did update after their divorce was update his life insurance which all goes to his kids. Now that he is divorced what does that mean? IDK but the divorce decree says they must now live as they had never been married. Hmmm ... I requested that we meet with an attorney to have our wills made up but he declined. So since we live in his house and I'm not on the deed what happens if he passes away?

Not home for the holiday.

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Last Thanksgiving was the worst holiday in my 5 years with DH. Since his belligerent adult kids don't like me or my 4 bio kids, I decided that I wasn't cooking dinner for DH and his. I'm really sick of the skids' attitudes. Since my BD27 and her hubby recently bought a house I asked them to host dinner for my side. They agreed and were even excited to have us. We discussed inviting DH but not the skids and that's what we rolled with. What happened was actually expected but still shocks me. DH said he would check with his kids to see what plans they had.

Not coping with belligerent adult SKids

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I have 4 adult SSs who pretty much hate the fact that their father married me. I have been bullied by the younger 2 the worst and DH cannot begin to see my point of view. I have tried to talk to DH since I moved in with him but he either doesn't believe me or doesn't care. His kids never get disciplined and are not required to respect me all. The younger 2 SSs have ransacked my belongings, stolen my BS11's TV right out of his bedroom, kicked my BD21 out of our home and just last week I was told by the youngest SS to shut the f*** up.

Not considered a Grandma

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My OSS29 married and had DH's first grandson. I was so very excited for the couple from the time they announced the pregnancy. Bought a cute card for the mom to be, etc. DH and I visited in the hospital just after the birth and within a few days at their home as well. Then DH's xW the BioGrandMom stays at their house for a month straight. When the coast was clear DH and I finally got to visit a few more times.