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StepTeen Drama as Always

sickofitall2013's picture

So after a fantastic six weeks of calming disengagement... I have been sucked back into the SD15's vortex since she brought weed into our house last week. And good ol stepmonster, me found it. Just joined this site today hope it helps me to vent this anger because nothing else is working....LOL


Jsmom's picture

Do you have kids of your own in the house. If you do, you have to handle this and who cares if DH or she doesn't like it. That is unacceptable and I would kick them out...

sickofitall2013's picture

Thank you all for the comments....I do have a child of my own and I told SD if she brought weed in my house again I would call the cops on her... YIKES>.... would i?? Not sure but totally unacceptable behavior....sigh.