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Waiting for the other shoe to drop....

Sia's picture

I am really trying very hard NOT to be negative, b/c I generally am NOT a negative person, but I seem unable to shake this feeling I have. A little Feb, SD16 went to live with BM. The day after DH got home from the hospital last week, SD called and wanted to come home. She said she hated it at BM's (no surprise to us). I reluctantly agreed to it out of guilt more than anything else. Dh had just been in a bad accident, and I was just so glad he was alive, that I probably would have said "yes" to just about anything. I also felt sorry for SD. Long story short, BM refused to take her to the hospital to see her dad and called her everything in the book just b/c she wanted to see DH. Yes, BM is mentally ill (seriously).
Anyway, since SD has been back she has been a pure joy to be around, really. Very helpful, and non-arguementative, an unusual trait for her. I am wondering if I am projecting my negativity onto her, or if I am justified in "waiting for the other shoe to drop"? DH says he feels the same way, like we are waiting for her head to spin and fire to shoot out.
What do you guys think? I am just going with the flow for now, but I am seriously kinda on edge waiting.....


frustratedinMA's picture

Yeah.. its kind of hard to think that someone could change over night. I think I would be waiting for the other shoe to drop as well. I dont think you are being negative, but rather realistic because you know what she is like and capable of.

littlegrlzx4's picture

but is sucks more to be blindsided. Your gut tells you its coming, be prepared, but do try and enjoy the current pleasant surprise!

northernsiren's picture

I know it's negative but:

hope for the best, expect the worst, you can only be pleasantly surprised...

I'm glad your DH is okay!!!!