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Gross, but need advice FAST.......................

Sia's picture

Ok, so SD16 was with sugarmama until today. Last night I needed her car keys and went into her room, which is not a norm. It was disgusting and really pissed me off! So, when she came home today, I took her cell phone away until she cleaned the room from top to bottom.. She gets a gazillion text messages a day and it kept buzzin, so I went to turn it off and there was this new video msg that opened when I opened the phone. It was from her BF (500 miles away) masturbating. OMG I am so flippin grossed out I want to puke!!!! That's disgusting. My boys 10 & 8 sometimes get into her phone to take pics, or play music....what if they had seen it? What if they had gotten into the video..................... What the hell do we do now? She's gonna eventually want her phone back........... Dh is napping and I'm not giving it back to her until I have spoken with him, but we need an attack plan????????/// HELP!


Sarah101's picture

I'd show it to your DH and then send a copy back to BF--from YOUR phone! Tell him you came across the video, shared it with SD16's dad, and have sent it to both his parents as well.

Chances are that you'll never see BF again. More importantly, chances are that BF won't ever stoop to such behavior ever again as well! Teach the kid a lesson NOW.

Sia's picture

I like that...problem is sugarmama doesnt care.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

very least. This is totally disgusting....or take the messaging off her phone. We've done that with SD14-she was constantly texting instead of doing homework. No more texting for her-no more messaging.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

his daughter-if he's the permissive, worshipping father H is, he won't want to do anything. but another suggestions-have H call the boyfriend. Let the bf know that he's been caught..and that if it continues, there will be serious consequences.

surely there's some FCC regulations for cell phones?

Most Evil's picture

Take away her text/video capacity and tell her BF is out of here!

I know what you mean though, if that happened to us, our BM would immediately say it is ok. So SD will still like her!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Sia's picture

(I MADE him watch it!) I mean, if I had to watch, then he should have to as well... }:) He was so grossed out....yet thought it was funny. I kinda thought it was funny too, but in the more ironically stupid way! You know, what kid would send it to a phone in the 1st place, and then what kid would save it to her phone for her parents to find. Almost like Dumb and Dumber!
When we confronted her, at 1st she tried to pretend like she had noooo idea what we were talking about. Then when asked if she would like to view the video, she fessed up. But, as another friend pointed out, she actually did nothing wrong but exercise poor judgement. I DID forward it to his ultra religious mother and he was punished, though I don't know how. Then this STUPID kid has the nerve to have his sister call our house at 11 pm last night....likely she wont be calling back for a looooong time after hearing my response!
We took away her phone but told her we would think about for how long.
She WAS at least embarassed though. Can you imagine having to sit in front of your father with him having seen such a video? I thought it was kinda funny, ya know.
I think if this kid calls my house again I will ask him if it is (thinking of some porno stars name...) i think he would die of embarassment. Though, I don't think he will ever call here again! HAHAHAHAHA }:)
Thanks ladies!

Nymh's picture

I know I'm a little late, but if it were me I would turn off her messaging plan. I don't know what carrier you have, but with my carrier you can turn off messaging so that the phone can't even send or receive the messages anymore. Then she can't text or send/receive MMS so you won't have to worry about it anymore. After a few days (probably hours) of her not receiving any texts and she asks about it, you can tell her that when she learns to be responsible over her room and her belongings, and lets her boyfriend know that she respects herself too much to receive any messages like that, she will get her messaging back.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*