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My Hell

septembers_child's picture

I am so glad to have found this site where I can blog and vent about my step parenting night mares with the step brat from hell! I have had the "pleasure" of step parenting my step daughter (whom I privatly refer to as "MY HELL" (matches her name, age 10, 4th grade) or "The Golden Brat" for 6 and a half long years.

DH is in the ARMY and BM is a looser and hasn't had anything to do with Step Brat or her two sisters by other fathers in 5 years. So yep, guess who has gotten stuck with the responsibility of MY Hell? Certianly not either of those two people who were in the bedroom when the mistake was made!

I went to high school with her "BM" and I can tell you this. If I would have been able to see into the future back then. I would have knocked BM in the head, drug her out behind the school, and performed a hystorectomy on her with my #2 pencil!

My Hell is a konniving, manipulating, annoying, little pathological liar who gets away with murder because of her coddling father..The running joke amoung my friends and family members is that if her mouth is moving she is lying. It's sad but it happens to be the truth. Anything that I have done to try to straigten the kids out or correct her from wrong doing is undermined and undone by DH. So the child is an absolute night mare.

He does things like..For instance, she has gotten rotten grades all year. Her first report card and parent teacher conference resulted in him lecturing her infront of her teacher. (To make himself look good.)But he didn't do anything about it with My Hell. No punishment, no further discussion with her at home. It was like it never happened! Instead he took all the family out to dinner that night. So, get crummy grades and be treated out to dinner!

Her second report card, suprisingly, came back with even worse grades then the first. I tried to correct her, because it was apparent that daddy wasn't going to. I grounded her to her room for a week and grounded her from electronics. After she was done with her grounding to her room. I would come down staires to find her curled up with her dad, remote in her grimy little hand watching TV!! Basically, her dad doesn't enforce or support anything I do to try to correct her.When I call him on not enforcing the punishments that I try to lay down for her..His pat excuse is that he didn't do it on purpose and just "wasn't paying attention." But he doesn't get after her for watching tv, when her 10 and a half year old self knew she wasn't supposed to be!! GRRRRR.....

So last week she brought home a midterm progress report for her third semester..5 f's and a D-...Keeping in my that I am still trying to enforce my punishment for her grades on her 2nd report card for the year!! What does dad do?

We came into a bit of money a few weeks earlier. We get to the store to do a bit of shopping.. I had given my second oldest (15, and has gotten all A's). 100 dollars out of the money to spend as she pleases. Why? Because she does well in school, helps out around the house immensly, baby sits our son and the step brat with out expecting to be paid for it..Basically my 15 year old daughter EARNED AND DESERVED THAT MONEY..

At the store the step brat points out to me that she has "100 dollars to spend"!! What??? That's right folks.. DH told Step brat that she has 100 dollars to spend at the store too and of course didn't share it with me or discuss it with me before hand.. I was notified at the store by the step brat! :jawdrop:

Yes so basically bring home all f's and a d-, and get 100 dollars. Which by the way she spent on electronics, of which is was supposedly grounded from! I WAS PISSED BEYOND PISSED!! It fries me that while I am trying to correct her, her dad is allowing her to undermine my corrections and he is rewarding her (giving her 100 bucks)!! She is just handed what the other child HAD EARNED!!

He doesn't see that as thwarting my attempts at correcting her or as undermining me!! At least that's what he says, but it honestly seems to me that he is purposly doing so and trying to deal with it passivly. I find it hard to believe that anyone could be as clueless as he pretends to be..He would have to be almost brain dead!!!

This brand of stuff has gone on for 6 and a half years and I am just sick of it. I am seriously contemplating divorce because I just can't stand her or how he is regarding her anymore. I am so tired of her not having to respect the rules in our home and all of the stuff she is allowed to get away with because her daddy lets it happen. It isn't fair to me or my kids!

Heck, even the family dog doesn't like her!! The fact of the matter is that I am sick to death of looking at her, listening to her and dealing with her and I am getting there with her father also!


Dawn-Moderator's picture

It sounds like your husband needs to get a clue. There has to be rules and consequences for bad behavior and bad grades. Yes, your sd probably does have some issues of her own given the fact that her mother left her, but your husband is making her worse with his lack of parenting! Your husband better get with the program. The teen years are coming! Maybe you guys should get some family therapy. Maybe if a third party (a therapist) tells your husband that he is doing things wrong, he will have a light bulb moment.

Good Luck!


glynne's picture

I agree with Dawn - you need to get into family counseling. DH is undermining you, enabling SD and on top of that leaving you to parent the kid! I'm afraid it's a no win and it will only get worse. Plus you have to worry about the message that this sends to your biokid. Keep us posted.


sheila's picture

i just left a relationship after a yr and a half cuz i was on the other end of this spectrum....the nightmare is now 17, stole my car and daddy goes and buys her her own car. It gets worse, believe me. Her punishment for stealing my car, (she didnt even have a license), he took her to lunches, to play tennis, football game, new picture phone, dinners, shopping,,,basically treated her like a queen for an entire week, while i was treated like the criminal. absolutely nothing happened to her and then she had the nerve to not speak to me for the next yr and was actually encouraged by her father to behave this way as he did nothing about it. I am to blame for it all of course as I am the "outsider". He chalks it up to my being jealous. WTF????? I have no advice for you other than if he doesn't stop this crap now, it wont be able to be stopped. This 17 yr old i am referring to is totally out of control. Kids don't like her, don't deal with her, people where she works won't talk to her, etc etc,,,her own sister wont deal with her....and guess what....daddy has her convinced they are ALL jealous,,,that is his answer to everything. He has basically raised a little narcissist Good Luck. I truly feel your pain on this one.

septembers_child's picture


Boy can I relate to everything you said! I told me husband it scares me to think about what she would have to do to get a trip to Disney Land! Lol.(It isn't really funny but sometimes I have to laugh to keep from going completely bonkers!)
It seems that the more rotten things she does the more she gets rewarded. I can see the step brat turning out to be a lot like the SD you discribed above. I am so sorry to hear that happened to you..

slchance's picture

It really seems like he is being passive aggressive, intentionally going against what you say because he disagrees with it, but not having the guts to admit that he disagrees with you. Try a family meeting where expectations, rules and the consequences for breaking the rules are discussed and agreed upon by everyone. If everyone is unwilling to work together toward a solution, counseling would help to get everyone communicating their needs instead of sabotaging everyone else because of their own unhappiness.

Anonymous's picture

Where do I start? I'm a newbie to this site. All I know is that after 9 years of taking care of these two ss, I've just now realized that nothing I do will ever be good enough. I have 2 of my own 6.5 and 2yrs old and I swear I don't even want them associating with the 14 and 12 year old. How sad is that? They have repeatedly stabbed me in the back, cut family ties into shreds, and lied through their teeth. I always think of that nature vs nurture the end, it seems that nature always wins out no matter how much nurturing you do. Their mother had always been an instigating, low self esteem, drama queen and after all these years I thought I could make them different, give them a better life. Boy was I wrong. I love my husband but I swear I wish I had picked up and left a looooonnngg time ago. I'm so sorry to vent but gosh this feels good to get off my chest. I mean its not like I can actually say this to my husband. Thank you for listening, whomever you may be.

didddos's picture

In my current state, it means SO much to me to know I am not alone. I don't want to be looking back 2 years ago, wishing I had left... but I don't want to look back wishing I had stayed either.

All I know is that I don't want my 5 and 3 yo to have my 13yo SS as an influence. At least when I'm around, I can monitor it.... Is that a sucky reason to stay, or what?

septembers_child's picture

I just wanted to say thanks to every one for your support! It's nice to have a place where I can vent and not be "judged". Ive been to other sites in which I have been blasted for actually admitting that I have problems with my SK and don't like her..It's nice to know that I can BE REAL on this site and still be accepted and supported.

So far, I realy really like it here..Thanks again everyone!