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I just want to slap her!!!

septembers_child's picture I come down staires from doing my home work and who is sitting her rotten little butt in the living room?? The step brat!!! She brought home a "weekly progress report" and their are still things that she hadn't turned in home work wise for the week..But she is off her grounding. She wasn't busted for not turning in all her home work this week and no extra day was added because she asked to come to the neighbors BBQ last night...

I wasn't informed that she was relieved of her grounding.. UNDESERVED IN MY OPINION...she is just sitting there with this annoying smirk on her face that honestly makes me want to slap her lips right off her rotten little face!! Nothing pisses me off more then her shitty little smirks!! She is gonna smirk her rotten self right into a car to live with the BM.


Anne 8102's picture

If it isn't working, then you guys have to find something else. I mean, this is just turning into a big joke and you guys are the butt of it. Me? I'd be confiscating whatever is the most important thing(s) to her until she starts taking you seriously. You'll get the last laugh when she doesn't get promoted to the next grade along with all her little friends. Too bad it'll be too late for her...

~ Anne ~

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)

septembers_child's picture


Thanks again. I am of the same exact opinion that you are on everything you said..I am to the point where I don't attempt to parent or correct the step brat anymore because it just back fires in my face and Dh undermines everything I do..So for my own sanity I have had to detach and just let him and her screw up together..

I agree that the grounding isn't working. The reason the grounding isn't working is because dad doesn't follow through with it..Now she is out of her room but is supposedly still "grounded from electronics"..But catch this..she is allowed to set in the living room where the tv is going..which means that of course she is as good a watching the TV..

A parent would have to sit there and watch her constantly to see whether her eyes are physically on the tv or not at all times..And I am not about to go there..To me grounding her from electronics and then letting her hang out in the room where the TV is on is just stupid!! Dear old dad is an oblivious idiot...

I also agree that everything that matters to her should be taken from her..In my opinion all that should be in her room is her bed and a book to read..Everything else should be removed!

And it's funny that you mentioned her being held back..Because I have been thinking about that as well..When it happens I will have to leave the house to do my own fair share of shitty smirking..

Beckilou's picture

WOW! I have a sd from hell. She used to live with us(for 4 years) Now lives with wacko bm(ever notice bm also stands for bowl movement?)and still not happy.Sorry Septembers child needed to vent It got so bad that I detached myself by the way it only works for a little while..The only thing I can say is make sure you and your husband are on the same page on everything!! Dont give up!!!Remember they dont stay little for long and pray ALOT!!!! They say ignorance is bliss stupidity goes all the way to the bone!!!!
Also remember murder is illegal!!!!

septembers_child's picture


LOL..Yes I have noticed that BM stands for Bowel Movement..That' would be the reason that I so enjoy calling the egg donar "The BM"..LOL..I really wish that My Hell's egg donar could take her..But considering that My Hell's older and youngers sisters (neither are DH's) were taken from her by the state. Oldest with with Maternal Grandmother and youngest was adopted out.. She isn't allowed to have MY Hell..DARN IT!!

Yes murder is illegal! LOL..While I would never resort to that I won't say that some sick jokes have been thrown around by myself, my family members and my friends..

The whole "murder" thing is a source of ribbing from my friends and family. I am a forensic criminalist, so essentially processing crime scenes and crime scene evidence is what I do for a living. Soooo, they are always teasing me because they always say if anyone they know could committ murder and get away with it,it would be me!! LOL.. Needless to say that with my line of work comes what most people would consider a twisted and warped sence of humor..Gotta have it just to deal with what I deal with everyday...

Soooo back in 2001, in California, their was a little girl who was kidnapped out of her own bedroom in the middle of the night and later found dead. I recall right after she was found that a few of my friends said that they were gonna make me a poster to stick under MY Hell's bedroom window which said, "Step Daughter sleeping in this room. Window is unlocked." And then roll out a red carpet and a ladder under her bedroom window! Was it mean and sick??? Yes... but I laughed like hell!!

Really though in a perfect world. DH would just let his parents have her and adopt her like they did their eldest grand daughter. They want her, have tried to kidnap My Hell in the past, and would worship the ground she walks on and cater to all of her nonsence. She would be much happier not having any rules or expectations. And I would be much happier not dealing with her all the time.


sheila's picture

...only if you get caught. j/k

Yea, they don't stay little forever. They get bigger and so do the problems and issues. It never ends unless the parent steps up and puts a stop to it. Pardon my language, but fuck the parenting by guilt excuse. Yea alot of issues come with divorce with children, but dammit, it is NO excuse to screw your kids up for the rest of their lives. Divorced or not, a parent is still a parent, NOT a buddy. Sometimes i think the divorce is actually easier on the kids than the havoc parents create by "parenting by guilt". Don't think for one minute that kids don't know how to manipulate that situation to get whatever the hell they want. When they are allowed to mess with the parents personal life and relationships, its time to run like hell. I have only been out 5 weeks and it was hard as hell, but it gets easier every day. I could not morally be a part of such dysfunction any longer. ALthough my situation was extreme, involving incest, the same red flags are here for several other people here. No more excuses.......either bio decides to parent and have some respect for their spouse, or get out now while you still have your sanity.

septembers_child's picture


Murder is illegal!! LOL..But what if we could create a retro active abortion pill??? Hell, I would knock people down in line to be the first to get one of those pills to feed to "The BM"..LOL..

Well, after 6.5 years of dealing with this I think my sanity is already in question!! LOL..But I agree with you. Honestly, one of my issues is that I don't think I want to be around when MY HELL becomes a teenager. I don't want to deal with the members of law enforcement that I work with coming to my door because they have busted MY HELL for one thing or another!!

For me, I can honestly say that I am counting the days until her 18th birthday..On the morning of her 18th birthday she is getting luggage and a bus or plane ticket for me with the departure date the day after her birthday..That is if I am still around when she reaches her 18th birthday..And nothing will feel better then the last time that kid walks out my front door..Cuz once she is 18 she is out and isn't coming back to live PERIOD..

proud mom's picture

the rule in my house is if it has a screen it is no longer yours I put all game systems away or take the cords( which kills my 10yr old because his life revolves around them) and all hand held games get put on top of the fridge until I decide otherwise I found if I set a date I seemto always give in way before time is up this way I can decide when he deserves these things back. He is not allowed in the room when the TV is on if we are watching something hey sorry about your luck go find something to do in your room, outside or where ever just not in here.
I know it is tough but hang in there.

stired_crazy's picture

Yeah, the whole smirking thing from a child can really make you feel like they are insaulting your intelligence!
Like they got one over on you " Hate that", Because we know most the time if it was our own biological child they wouldn't be smiling to our face without having it rearranged.

Sounds like its dads fault for letting her off and not communicating with you about it first hand, Sounds like he made the call without consulting you as a team player in this.

He should go over things like that with you because then maybe she would take you more serious when she see's that she can't play you both aginst eachother, If he would put his foot down like that she would have to respect you because she will know he talks everything over with you before making a decision like that.

She has got to learn that you ARE apart of decision making to, and you also make the calls " together", That you both are a team in decsion making together when it comes to comcerns with her and punishment.