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I wonder sometimes

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SO mil calls me today and asks if we are still going to her wedding. I told her yes as long as my dr clears me the monday before we leave. (im 6 months pregnant and will almost be 7 months at that time, and baby is already head down and ready to go.) I told her as of right now there is nothing to indicate that they will say we cant travel. Then she told me that she needed dh t0 call her right away it was very important.
dh got home from work and i asked if he called his mother. He said no and that whatever it was must not be that important because he was texting her most of the day. I told him i was just wondering what she manipulated my words into this time. He said he doesnt care what she says because he does not believe half of what she says anyways. And that i should just let it be.

She manipulates what i say all the time. For example:
She said she wants my 15 month old in her wedding. I told her i was not going to make him do anything he did not want to and that he is shy and we would see what happened when we got there because he is 15 months old. she turned around and said i told her he could not be in the wedding.

A few months back i found out she was taking pic off my facebook and giving them to dh ex bm and bm mother. So i blocked her from doing that. ( i no longer have fb) I told her if she wanted pictures she could have them but she was not to give them to dh exbm. She turned around and said that i told her she had to choose between ss5 and mine and dh son.

Really. I hate people like that.