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New House On The Horizon

SavvyKim's picture

Hi Guys,

I am feeling so much better now, he went to see a solicitor and found out I can only take him for the Florida properties, he said he only owed me about £30,000, however, his solicitor did not tell him I can put a claim in for the UK property as I have contributed to the household. He had totally forgot I was on the deeds for all the properties in Florida and I could make him sell them. The next day he totally changed his tune.

He is now buying me a house for £137,500 cash, the deeds will be totally in my name, he is buying all the big furniture, TV and all the appliances for the kitchen and giving me £25,000 cash (I took a reduced rate because I had a higher value house which hopefully I will be completing on (closing on) around the 23rd/24th November and now getting excited. I in return, will sign all the property in Florida over to his sole name, I can also go out to them 4 weeks a year in return for me still doing the bookings for him.

I am now starting to pack, oh my gosh, you don't realize how much stuff you have until you are moving. At least I will be away from this toxic relationship and his damn kids Smile


SacrificialLamb's picture

Savvy, this is a positive news. I am glad to see things are headed in the right direction.

The only thing I would suggest is that by doing his bookings for him you are still maintaining a connection to him and it will be harder to move on. Your peace of mind is more important than free rentals at properties that are just going to remind you of him anyway.

I hope enuf weighs in here, but you should cut all ties with this narcissist. This guy strung you along for many years, and did not care about what your wellbeing would be after you broke up. Make a better life for yourself.

fairyo's picture

I agree Savvy- thanks for updating us-so do you mean he saw the solicitor? Did you take any legal advice yourself? Is this property in the UK?
I don't know why there may alarm bells ringing for me but I would make sure you have moved into your new house before you sign anything over to him, because once you have signed over the Florida properties they are his, and until then they are your only assets.
I am also struggling to understand why you would still want time in the Florida villa? You will never be away from the toxic relationship or his damn kids until you cut all the ties.

BethAnne's picture

If he believes that he only owes you 30k why is he willing to part with 165k without a court ordering him to do so? I would be wary of this ‘deal’. Get some legal representation for yourself it you haven’t already and run this ‘deal’ by them. To me it looks like he is going to give you 25k, get you to sign over the Florida properties and then by some legal ways claim later that this new properry is his too leaving you 5k short of what he believes he owes you. I know nothing about this legally, it is just what my cynical self is seeing and predicting.

SavvyKim's picture

Don't worry ladies, he is sending the funds for the house early part of next week, he has already bought the furniture and appliances and paid for concrete 14ft x 8ft shed for the house already. I have not signed the paperwork yet, I will sign it and send it off after he paid for the house and given me the money. The shed I got will come out of my £25,000 which I agreed with him, but he is going to insulate it and plaster board it for me.

Stupidly enough, we are getting on much better and he is being pleasant to me like he was when we first met, don't worry, I am not going back there, I am looking forward to a new life.