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Thank you, Jesus!!!!

savemysanity's picture

BM just told SO that she would never let SKs near "that woman" again!!!! Praise you, that's EXACTLY what I wanted. I guess since you are married now, BM, you have to act like MOTY and I am relieved of babysitting duties. Good riddance.


savemysanity's picture

Exactly!!! I didn't raise children to be spoiled rotten brats, I'm sorry that you did, but if you want to keep them to yourself, more power to ya. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

boogeymom's picture

I know THAT'S right. Only took my BM a week and a half before she forced her semen demon crotch droppings back into my peaceful household.

Hullabaloo's picture

So I'm not the only one that is referred to as "that woman". I swear half of these posts could be about the BM I get three pleasure of dealing with.

luchay's picture

I'm either "THAT woman" "the whore" or on holy days and Sundays I get elevated to "YOUR whore" (as in OH's)

Oh well. Good to know I am on her mind, whatever.

I am SOOOO jealous though - I wish she would punish me by keeping her kids away from me...