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Do your skids ever say things that just sound "rehearsed"?

RustyHalo's picture

This happened this past weekend with me. We were driving in the car and talking about the upcoming Halloween party at the skids school where I am head-room parent to SD10. We were talking about costumes and such..........and then the "rehearsed" talk.

SD8 - "can we get Halloween costumes this weekend?"

Me - "I don't know if we're gonna have time this weekend because of pumpkin carving, and my mom's bday party, and you know you guys are going to BM's early on Sunday because daddy and me are going to the football game, so maybe BM can take you on Sunday."

SD8 - "well, mommy doesn't have any money and she gets paid every two weeks and she won't get her next paycheck until next Friday and we won't have any time to get our costumes after that."

Me - "well, let's talk to daddy about it when we get home."

Granted, we had just driven past the bar where BM hangs out on her off days, and her car was there. I saw it, but skids didn't. And another thing, BM gets a CS check EVERY week, and it's not like Halloween just SUDDENLY happened - it's the same date every freakin' year, so plan ahead dummy!

We get home and SD8 immediately runs to FH and asks about the Halloween costumes and says that mommy doesn't have any money and she won't have any money until next Friday because mommy gets paid every two weeks. (Exactly in the same way she told me.)
Well, FH says to SD8, "I don't know honey, your mommy is taking you guys trick-or-treating and she told me a couple weeks ago that she would get your costumes this year since it falls on her weekend this year."

After the skids weren't around, FH told me how he had driven by the bar earlier and BM's car was there (on a work day) and he has decided not to bail her out this time. Obviously, she has money. FH swears that BM tells the skids to say these things to us because in the past (when BM wasn't working) FH would just cough up the money for everything, but since she's supposedly working now, she can pay for some things and she HAD told FH that she would get the costumes this year. Anyway's a little later my future MIL stopped by and asked the skids what they were gonna be on Halloween and she heard the same story from skids and so she just decided to take the skids shopping and get their costumes. She's so nice to do this, and we would never have allowed the skids to go without any costumes, but we were just gonna make BM sweat a little and call and ask us herself - or maybe, just maybe, BM will stay away from the bar for a day and use some of her money to get the costumes if she thinks we aren't. That's my thinking about all this. BM knows we would never let the skids go without and so she'll pull the "no money" bit all the time and we've bailed her out every time in the past. What if we just said "NO". I think BM would come through if she's forced to. At least I hope she would.

Anyway, haven't vented for a while and just needed to get this off my chest.

Thanks, ladies!!!!!!

All in all, things have been going really good around here lately..............oh look - a flying pig!!!


iwishyouwould's picture

Damn, i wouldve loved to tell her that since she cant get them costumes,
id love to take them shopping to get them on the day of halloween when ill have the money to do it
and since they'll be with me shopping any way why dont i just keep them that weekend and take them trick or treating?

RustyHalo's picture

Actually, I wanted to take them trick-or-treating, but we have an "adult" party that FH decided we needed to go to, so that's out. But if I would have bought their costumes, I would have definitely wanted to see them in them!

(I just re-read this and "adult" party sounds so naughty!!!

I just mean - no kids!

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

iwishyouwould's picture

LOL - I know what you mean.
My friends make fun of me because i call and tell them i need grown-up time. Something about watching too much PBS ....

Totalybogus's picture

Actually... my x-husband's daughter said something to me back when she was 6. Her mother continuously cheated on my x and my x finally left her. They were divorced before we even started dating. In fact the guy she cheated on him with moved in with her two days after my x left her.

Well after we dated for some time, we moved in together. One day his daughter was helping me make the bed and she just says "my daddy would have come home if it wasn't for the young hussie he's shacking up with." I looked at her and she just continued to help make the bed not even realizing that I was the hussie she was talking I know there is no way a 6 year old would have come up with this on her own, and by looking at her I could tell she didn't even know what she was saying.

The difference here is that your skid was being used to try to emotionally blackmail you guys into getting the costumes. Mine was just repeating what she continuously heard from her crazy mother.

iwishyouwould's picture

My SIL and I dont exactly see eye to eye... my SS spent the night at her house one night and came home and told me that he was going to cut my face off. I asked him where on gods green earth did he hear that (he is 4) and he told me that (my SIL) said that its fun and I would like it.
It was startling then but its actually kind of funny now. lol

Pantera's picture

For a while my ss would only refer to his BM as "nice mommy". He would get a weird look on his face, with this fake smile (like something out of a horror movie, lol) and say My nice mommy is taking me here or Im going to see my nice mommy or Nice mommy called me yesterday. It was really weird, lol. I am assuming that his BM made sure that he knew that she is the "Nice Mommy". Real nice considering she's never around.

iwishyouwould's picture


Madilyn's picture

That's so messed up! It's heart breaking to witness a child being corrupted by any parent! Step or bio....whatever BM says or does, we would never say anything negative about her to the skids. No matter what, they come first!

Stepmom2Ched's picture

Oh yeah, last year my SS was telling his daddy what he wanted for his birthday...CLOTHES and SHOES.

Tell me, WHAT CHILD GOING ON SIX will ask for clothes and not toys?! Especially a boy who LOVES LOVES LOVES anything Disney...CARS, Toy STory...OMG, DISNEY is the bomb for him and he asked for CLOTHING?!

Yeah, tell me this wasn't a bug put in his ear by BM. RIGHTTTTTT.

~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~

buttercup123's picture

I would march my butt into that bar and call her out on the costume thing-in front of everyone. Then I'd call my lawyer and get sole custody. What a deadbeat.

iwishyouwould's picture

was thinking about your post the other day. ss came back from crazy girls parents' house and later sil's house and asked me if i was fat and do i have a big head? lmao. not sure which one he got it from, but it was definitely a repeat from somewhere. lol

"Life favors the risk taker."