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so he wasn't done after the dog...

Runaway's picture

Then he tries to "accidentally" (on purpose) drop my son's new school laptop so that it breaks. I caught him, and it before he could destroy it. (Yes, he admitted it finally) He has a history of breaking things if someone gets something he wants, no matter the reason. He decided not to do his chores and just laze around and deliberately play stupid to get out of them... so I sent him to bed. Because the next day is thankfully mommy day and I don't have to see the little wretch until next week.

I'm arguing with H who is jumping all over my case because I bawled SS out over the laptop. I walked back to BS2's room to put the computers up and I notice SS's light on. It had been a solid 45 minutes since I said he needed to go to bed. I knew. I just KNEW he was in there playing his tablet.

I opened the door- ding ding ding. Talk about a slap in the face for disrespect. So I took it and now it belongs to H or Me or the frickin' neighbor but I'll smash it with a hammer before I'll let that little yellow rodent touch it again.

So with all this going on H and I had a HUGE blowout fight. It got particularly nasty. It ended out with me telling him he needed to really give this kid consequences or he's gonna end up with another one like the eldest.

Eventually he lost Hockey and H decided to keep the tablet for himself- so help me if I see that kid on it- It's going to get smashed with a hammer or given away to a lucky neighbor kid that happens to be walking by. I told him that already, too.

He's back to being in his room whenever H isn't here. I think he's gonna get some MANUAL LABOR for chores for awhile. Something he can't screw up, but I don't have to see him either.

Grrr. Talk about an awful weekend.


Runaway's picture

He doesn't want them there lol. I don't know why, they're all the same and he's obviously okay with it every other week. *shrug* So as long as I don't have to deal with him, no big deal.

For the record- H was in the room when everything but the tablet deal went down. This wasn't me being alone with the skid.

But when he starts up with this crap H already knows I'm not going to watch him. The long-standing arrangement is that either he's a passable human being, or else I'm not going to "babysit" him. He stays in his room for an hour, ok.