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Rosedeer1's picture

Well most people would say I got every thing I wanted, however why am I still not happy. My DH won placement my SS crazy BM only gets him wed and EOW, so why am I still checking her myspace to see her mood, why do I care what she is doing, why do I get so mad when I see her? OK so she tried to destroy me for the past 3 years but we won, so I should be happy that she is not, knowing I get to be with her son 25 days out of the month and she gets him 5 days out of the month. Why do I seem obsessed with her? Why when I see her in the store do I have a panic attack, I shake and my heart starts to pound. I thought I was ok with her being her sons mom but am I. Am I upset that she is his mom, or upset is will be apart of my life forever, she does not deserve to be his mom she only cares about getting to me and the CS, which she will not get once my DH takes her back to court. But will I be happy then, I hate that she goes out on the town and has fun, why?? I want to stop caring about her. I want her to be unhappy and I thought that she would be so unhappy losing her son and 150 a week. I thought that would make me happy but I do not get to see her unhappy which makes me crazy, but she must be unhappy having lost a 2 year battle in court,and knowing I put her son to bed every night. Has anyone been in this spot, how do I stop thinking about her and checking her myspace, I am going crazy and not living my life I am too concerned about hers!!!!!


sam's picture

what the future will hold when ss grows up to be a decent human being with values and morals you will be able to look back and realize you had a big part of that.