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Anxiety attacks every time I have to interact with MIL

rombar's picture

I actually had to take an ativan last nite. I couldn't stop crying and was hypervenilating when I got home. I then crawled into bed. 10 hours at sd's recital - ugh painful. And no appreciation for it. No one's friendly to me despite the fact that I go out of my way to cheerfully say hello to the bm, bm's new husband, mil and fil, and other sd. The mil is the worst. Despite being married for two years to dh after dating for three years prior, she has never asked once about me, my family, my job, etc... I simply have to listen to her go on and on and on about her self, complaining the whole way. And the sd (who had the rectial) calls her grandmother all the time to tell her things that are just skewed in the mind of a 13 year old. I can't stand it - literally. My dh just says I have to deal with it, that's the way she is... but I think she thinks I'm a bad parent. She and the sd's bm are friendly (emails, texts, etc...) and are both extremely over protective to a fault. I, on the other hand am protective but encouraging of my bio children to do interesting things that will help them develop and grow. My step children's bio-mom constantly texts them (every 10 -15 minutes). So I think between the sd(s) (there are two of them and I have two bio kids), the mil, sd's bm, and sd have this warped perception of me. I could really care less about the sd's bm, but it bothers me terribly about the mil. Why do I let her get to me? Help!


livinthedream's picture

I have jumped out of the role that was diecast for me...I dont bother with MIL cuz I know that her first priority in life is BM. Its made my life so my better to let them have each other & I stay as far away from both of them (alike in everyway).

rombar's picture

So.... are you saying, just don't worry about it and don't worry if negative perceptions are being created in the sds' heads? I guess you are right, cuz I really can't control any of it. I've asked my dh to say something, but he seems to feel it's hopeless to. I am not use to "negative" mentalities. My family gets along and enjoys each other's company. My dh's family always seems to by in arguments and not talking to one another for some such reason. My parents are not alive anymore, and it would be nice to have supportive, nice, engaging parents that truly wanted a relationship but I guess I won't get it from them.