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Please help....disengaging ?

rl07's picture

How do those of you who have bio kids & step kids full time disengage from your step kids? I have a ds7 & a dd10. My SO has a ds7 & a dd12. The girls share a room & the boys share a room. I have been partially disengaged from the skids for a while but find it almost impossible to disengage completely, especially when my bios are involved. What do you do when skids & bios are arguing or fighting & SO does nothing or blames your bios? I feel like my bios are always in trouble & his get away with murder & that my bios are beginning to see how unfair it is.


hismineandours's picture

Short answer is you cant. You can not completely disengage when your kids are involved-it's just not going to work. If you have already tried to address this issue with the dh and he is of no help I would feel free to proceed as you like. What you can do is start "rewarding" your kids. If his kids are always starting crap with yours with no punishment-then talk to the kids about handle individuals like this in general. Then when they handle it in an appropriate manner reward them with a special trip to the movies or dinner out just you and yours. When his kids, for example, do poorly at school-don't sweat it-shrug it off-simply let your kids know you have higher expectations of them and then again reward them when they do well. If you want the kids to do chores, and his do not, then fine simply give your kids an allowance or a reward for doing theirs.

hismineandours's picture

Hell? I don't know it didn't sound as if she subjected them to hell. Sounds like kids arguing, he takes his kids side, she takes her kids side. Fairly typical if you ask me. Obviously healthy communication with your significant other would be the best and healthiest way to handle this situation. But other than that-some level of disengagement is a viable option, IMO.

purpledaisies's picture

Tell your dh that if he doesn't handle his kids that you will and he wont like it.

Then the next time something happens and he does nothing you take action and show him how its done.