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14 year old SD - need some input from those who have been here

RiverLark's picture

I guess I deleted the post about SD14 getting her own way and she's been staying at her mom's for the last 2 months, which is fine by me except that it's breaking my husbands heart. 

I was glad to see I'm not the only post deleter - sometimes other people in the family use my laptop and it would be a total nightmare if SD11 saw any of my posts about her sister, she would hate me forever. 

So here's the situation:

SD14 has no rules at her mothers. She tells her to f off right to her face all of the time. She comes and goes as she pleases. As far as I can tell, she runs that house. The mother is a wuss and she is scared of her daughter, another way to say that more nicely is that the mother is super fragile and SD14 has a terrible temper and has figured out she can control her mothers household by making everyone miserable until she gets her way. That doesn't work here so she doesn't want to come here. 

Recently we've found out that SD14 (she's 15 in a few weeks ) s having her BF (who is around 15-16) stay over at her mothers house, in her room, in her bed. My husband has stated in the past - NOT THAT HE EVEN NEEDS TO BECAUSE THIS IS RIDICULOUS - that he doesn't think it's appropriate for kids that age to have sleepovers with boyfriends/girlfriends. That he doesn't want this to happen. She knows full well it would NEVER happen here, but her mother, the wuss, has allowed him to stay over twice, once on a school night. 

So, what can we do. Nothing really. Her mother won't enforce her coming here and we can't make her - frankly, even if we could I don't want her here because she's causing so much stress in my life even from her mothers house. 

Here's the issue - when my husband found out about the sleepovers he absolutly blew up. (EDIT - in private - AT HOME WITH ME)

He had harsh words with the BM  (which is absolutley reasonable ) who then turned around and told SD14 everything. She is now freaking out, stay out of my life, my life was better before you moved here, (we moved to her small stupid town 2 years ago so we could have the kids 50/50) you're not hte boss of me etc. 

SD14 also posted a very obviously meant to rub it in Dad's face post of her in bed with her BF, it's very suggestive. I was a teenager, I know this was on purpose. She's a mean manipulator. 

This is turning way beyond toxic. *edit for clarity* The things that SD14 says to him are hurtful and horrible and he's so angry -WHEN HE'S ALONE AT HOME WITH ME - and it's ruining the time spent between phone calls. SD14 has taken over her mothers phone and texts him "I need you to call me" and when he does it's SD screaming at him to stay out of her life. **she is screaming at him. He isn't screaming at her. 




Now. I know what this is. It's textbook. Daddy issues, attention from boys, she hates herself, blah blah blah. I get it, it was me, I hated my dad until I was 19 and then I loved him more than anything. So I have some epathy I guess, if she was a nicer person it would be easier but she's abrasive and I don't like her personality. 


Part of this is me venting. I don't have anyone to talk to about this except my mom and my therapist (session Monday thank you). But the other part is this : I don't really know what to do here. I have been mostly staying out of it. I say things when I think my husband wants to hear some advice, mostly I say "she'll come around" because she will, or she won't I guess. Who knows. Not my problem. Not my kid. I don't talk to her or the BM at all. 


But what's the issue here. Is this a dad being upset his daughter is obviously having sex? I guess I think that's her own decision. She's of the age of consent. Most kids around her are having sex at 15. She's a little young but that ship has already sailed by the looks of it. From past behaviour this isn't the first boy she's been intimate with. I actually don't really care about that or feel that it's anyone's business as long as she's being safe.  

I know the lack of dicipline at her mother's is the main thing that angers him, the child is allowed to do whatever she wants and it's making her into (she already is) a bad person. And her calling him from various phones and screaming and yelling at him that he's a horrible person is ruining our family dynamic at home. We have SD11 right now and she's great, we're trying to keep her out of the drama as much as possible. 

Another thing that's in the back of my mind as well, we live in a place that's rife with teen pregnancy. If that happens I might have to leave. I won't be raising that child. And I don't know if I could stand seeing her mother f up another kid. 

Honestly the BM is a whole blogs worth of a mess, body issues, pathological liar. She's weird because she's very passive and quiet and pretends to be super nice and get along but she's either very very stupid or she pretends she is so she can lie and get her own way about stuff. She also has body issues and she's said things to SD14 about not wearing shorts around her boyfriend, as in the BM's boyfriend, what a mess that is. 

So, I dunno Step talkers. You tell me. Any words of wisdom? 



dysfunctionally_blended's picture

Stay out of it as you have been doing.

And in the meantime set ground rules with your DH such as - we will not raise any grandchildren. Grandchildren of teen kids will not live in our home. Etc.

Protect yourself and your sanity. This girl has 2 parents that need to step up. You are just Dad's wife, which is a great spot to be in when it comes to out of control teens.

Not in your house not your problem. 

Cover1W's picture

This. Been there, without the sexual precociousness though, down to OSD running BMs home. Nothing you can do. Stay out of it. Listen to your DH, hug him, but don't try to give advice...and if you do it could likely backfire...

I have told DH no kids after age 18 unless in college full time or working and I'm NOT raising babies, ever. 

You can read my blogs and Forum posts... very similar.

tog redux's picture

Your DH should not be caught up in this toxic back and forth screaming match with his adolescent daughter.  It's terrible parenting and verges on emotional abuse. 

He can't control what BM allows at her house.  He can either go back to court or not, but he can't make SD follow rules that BM doesn't have for her, while she's at BM's house. He can express his concern and disappointment, but screaming and yelling at her isn't appropriate.  Why not talk with her about birth control and the consequences of being sexually active? Why not encourage BM to get her an implant or IUD or something?  (And by the way, she's not at "the age of consent", it's no lower than 16 anywhere in the US, and if her boyfriend is not close to her age, it could be considered statutory rape - and he could contact the police about that. 

As for you - stay out of it. But I would lose respect quickly for a man who is treating his daughter this way.

beebeel's picture

OP is in Canada...

In my state, teens between the ages of 13 and 16 can legally consent to sex with someone no more than 2 years older than themselves. 

Also, I didn't read that the father was engaging in the screaming. I only read about the SD calling and screaming.

I do agree that dad should be encouraging his daughter to be on birth control. However, this girl has been rewarded by her bm to disrespect her dad, so that will be pretty impossible.

I've told my DH that I'm done raising other people's kids. So if his delinquent daughter shows up pregnant, I've told him I'm not boarding or supporting any of it.

tog redux's picture

The age of consent in Canada is 16.  And nowhere in the US is it legal for a 13 yo to consent for sex - please provide sources, thanks. 

I read that he's screaming at her back. "The words between my husband and his daughter are hurtful and horrible and he's so angry and it's ruining the time spent between phone calls."

tog redux's picture

OK - looks like there are provisions in some provinces for kids younger than 16 having sex with kids close to their own age ...

And in your state - Minnesota. You are correct!  Though I do find that they interpret those laws how they see fit here. 

beebeel's picture

Yes, is it still possible for minors to be prosecuted for statutory rape, but is really rare and usually there are extenuating circumstances.

I totally missed that part during my first reading. 

RiverLark's picture

- she's the one screaming and yelling, maybe I didn't communicate that properly. He's not screaming. She calls and screams at him. 

always_anxious's picture

there really isn't anything you can do here. BM and DH need to come together for a solution. If they don't, then you are sadly just watching the train wreck. 

We pushed for SD to live with us at 14. She stayed 3 months. She realized it wasn't all free time and just hang out with friends. We expected her to do homework and stay off social media. So, her mom was in her ear saying oh come back home to me. That was it. I washed my hands of her after that.  

Been there, done that 

Harry's picture

That you really can not do anything with SD.  She not going to her fathers house, when she can be with BF. She not going to follow her BF rules when she can do what she wants. Not going to give up BF and sex.  Basically all is lost for the next few years.  Maybe at 20 something you may have some type of relationship with her. Bit not now.

It Doesn’t matter what the law saids, SD is having sex with her BF. Both at the same age, And the police and courts are not going to spend time and money to stop that. They are not going to arrest 1/2 the 16 yo in there city for having sex. 

RiverLark's picture

Thanks all

the age of consent here is complicated but she is of legal age to consent to sex with someone within 2 years of her age. So that's a non issue. It's not illegal.


As far as my husbands behavior goes - yes, he's angry but I'm the one who sees it, since I'm the one who lives with him.

The interacton with SD is that she calls him and yells at him. He isn't abusive to her in the slightest. He did, however, get angry with BM for allowing two teens to share a bed, which I think is normal. And if SD knows about that it's because her mother tells her everything so that she can look like the good guy. My husband does NOT scream at his daughter. Clear? 

Not surprised at who jumped to the conclusion that my husband is an asshole but guess what? He's not. He cares a lot about his kids and he's frustrated by the lack of parenting coming from BM. Those things wouldn't fly here, and we can't force SD to come here, since her mother comes and picks her up and takes her back the second she calls and complains. 

at this moment I'm unwilling to force a kid who hates us to live at our house, although I'm preparing myself for when we eventually have to get courts etc involved to enforce the 50/50 rule


it's not like we can physically force her to come here. 


CLove's picture

Thats a lot of quik growing up your SD is doing. And the mother is ok with it, and allows it.

It sure is tough to watch this happem to your DH, but really, its off your plate. You just have to be the shoulder he cries on and the wall he hits ball against to sound off his anger to.

its off your plate. The best you can do is tell your DH to hang up immediately when she calls and starts screaming and shouting. He is undeer no obligation to take that kind of abuse from his child. He is legally responsible for her until age 18, financially, ettc. But he can conduct business from afar.

The sex thing - it sounds like you have worked all that out. Its not illegal. The possible pregnancy question. Birth Control is advised, of course.

Lndsy747's picture

My SD(almost 17) stopped coming over around 14 as well due to not liking rules. BM is very lenient and usually works nights so SD has a lot of freedom at home.  She went no contact for about a year and a half came back for about 6 months and is back to no contact now. 

SO has never had any say in SDs life and it's always been frustrating but he had to learn to let go a little. I've stressed to him that although he should never accept being disrespected or bad behavior at our house that it made more sense to relax our expectations a little because having a relationship and leading by example is better than having no influence at all. It went really well for a while until BM started asking him to help get SD in line. As soon as he tried to act like a parent she ran back to BM and hasn't come back sense.


NicoleRB's picture

What struck me about your situation is that it is so paralell to mine-- my 13SD moved in with BM full time after 4 years of living with me and my sons and her brother 50 % time at her Dad's and my house.  The reason is because she gets to do whatever she wants there but also because she does not like even the slightest bit of feeling like a "child" at our house-- we make decisions as parents then thell the kids, we don't let the kids sleep in our bed, we have a reasonable bed time, we don't let the kids spend all day on technology-- not a lot of rules but enough that she just left.  It makes me so sad.  I feel like we are punished for actually being normal parents. :(  I feel for you.  I think my SD pretty much hates me for no reason, so it is really hard to handle and crushes my confidence sometimes...