We try
I feel like a emotional wreck .The fact I have spent 5 years of my life raising SD 14 doing all the motherly duties which includes the whole school run with the help of husband but still me mainly doing it ...Yes she she lives with me full time
What I mean by emotional wreck is the fact we have all been through it before as Step parents we put all our hard work work and do not get recognized for it ..
In my situation SD had her middle school graduation it went fine at first but then you have the BM who has not done anything for the past 5 years show up yep
Stay with me now/// ... I am saying this because everyone was praising her for all the hard work she supposenly did she is very good on putting on this act to make people believe she did everything .. guess this part of step parenting sucks that the BM still gets recognized highly and poor step mom sits behind the closed curtain I guess this is just a rant to say we do so much and still get nothing from it but I guess I will keep it moving
- Renahemleezy's blog
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Does your SD live with you?
Is your SD with you full time?
Yes she is
Yes she is
Dad... and Gangster Dad
I met my DW when SS-31 was 15mos old. We married the week before he turned 2yo. I'm dad. He has always known the Spermidiot. But I am the only real dad he has ever had. He was pretty much just a fuck trophy for the Spermidiot. A way for him to mark what he thought was his territory. The territory that booted his ass before SS turned a year old.
SS launched at 18 when he joined the USAF. Over the course of his career he and his colleagues of course have shared their family stories. In those stories, I am dad. The Spermidiot is ... Gangster Dad. This is due to the Spermidiots dream of being a gangbanger. Something he has never accomplished. He claims to be black yet looks like a Howdy Doody Opie Cunningham white guy. He tells people that his mother, the SpermGrandHag is black. She looks like Aunt B and there isn't anything black about any of the GP or Spermidiot generations in the SpermClan. Or in the GGPs generation for that matter. The aspirations of being a Crip or a Blood were met with laughter and rejection by those organizations. They just don't accept anyone who looks like a white guy puppet show reject.
SS has shared a number of stories about me, his mom, and the Spermidiot with his colleagues over his 13+ years, and counting, service in the USAF.
On one of his visits home he was sharing some stories. One had to do with talking about me and the Spermidiot. He said something about some stupid crap that "My Dad did." One his colleages got a perpelexed look on his face and corrected SS. "That had to be Gangster Dad. Your Dad would never do anything that stupid." SS laughed about it when he told us the story.
SS asked me to adopt him when he was 22. We made that happen. He wore or family name on his uniform from that day. That discussion unfolde with him telling me he wanted to change his name. I asked him what he wanted to change it to. He answered he wanted our family name. I told him to get the paperwork, fill it out, and that it would not be a big deal. He gave me a look and told me no, and that he wanted a full meal deal adoption. We called out pit bull attorney and 4 days later the Judge signed the adoption order.
We had discussed adoption a couple of times as he was growing up. He told me then that I am his dad and changing his name would not make me any more his dad. He did not want to hurt anyone's feelings at that time.
I am blessed to not have had to ever experience what you describe. If anyone from the SpermClan had ever showed up at a SS event, it would have been such a shocker that I have no idea how it would have unfolded. Never once did they ever particpate in any event in SS's life. Not once. Not even a telephone call just to talk with him. DW would offer for them to speak to SS when they would call to rant about something, beg to stop CS, or to ask DW to make visitation travel arrangements.
I'm sorry you have had to live this shitstorm and that BM did not just stay away.
Next time
get in with the first punch ...
"Oh hello! So glad to see you after all this time! Goodness, I DO hope SD will still recognise you!"
^^^ Brilliant!
That would be well played.
Thank you for this I'll
Thank you for this I'll definitely say that
I think we have to try to see
I think we have to try to see our "efforts" with the skids to do things for them.. as if they are a loan to our spouses/partners... that when you loan to friends and family.. you never loan more than you can afford to never get back.
It sucks that she swoops in and gets kudos.. if any of those other parents paid attention.. surely they would have seen you at all those events and pickups..
In the end.. what you are doing is hoisting your spouses end of the parental rope.. (a rope that the mother has left dangling apparently) I hope he shows you in 1000 and one ways how much he appreciates your help raising his children.
Thank you for this yes he
Thank you for this yes he shows me a lot of support and does his best to accommodate and that's the only reason why I am hanging on. He does recognize my efforts and understands I am the one who stepped up and understand the bio mom will put on a show Everytime and I got to deal with this through high school,weddings, baby showers
I have a coworker who was adopted
Her biological mom had her at 15 and didn't even know if she was a boy or girl when she was handed over . So she was raised by her adopted mom and dad and adopted mom was a severe alcoholic. They divorced and he remarried. My coworker and her stepmom are close. Super close. My coworker is in her 40's. I think her adoptive mom died a good decade or more. She did find her biological mom cause of 23 and me but she calls her stepmom her mom. She knows and recognizes all she did for her and who raised her. It's so nice to see them on fb at their weekly lunch dates and their trips and all the tagged posts. You wouldn't even know it was her stepmom. I think some kids do know and recognize all the love poured into them by stepmoms.
My own DD16 loves her stepmom. Her stepmom has no biological kids. They did a day before mother's day outing just the two of them and actual on MOther's Day DD16 did a big Instagram post for her stepmom and didn't do one for me. And I'm perfectly ok with that. I wouldn't dare not admit and be grateful for the love she gives my kids.
People always love their bio mother
No matter what they do or don't do. No matter what you do as a SP, the bio parent will come first. You must understand that. This is only middle school. There's high school , college, marriage, GK. Just to name a few things where bio mom has a hard time finding the place but gets all the recognition. THATS why SK are no substitute for bio kids. If you want something to mother get a dog. Dogs are loyal to you.
Love and loyalty
Yep. We can do and help and pay and love, and at the end of the day, every day, we are still just a tool they were able to use. Love and loyalty comes from a puppy not a skid.
Your comment right was
Your comment right was exactly what I needed to here. And it's sad if I step down I look like the bad person for not wanting to get involved. I have accepted and understood my efforts don't mean nothing at least my husband recognizes them it your comment hit the nail sp efforts don't mean nothing as bio will always come first and I guess I needed to here that again
So Frustrating
And thats minimizing things.
This will continue, and get worse as Sd gets older and more self-sufficient, BM will be her BFF, and you will be the "mean ole stepmonster with rules".
Thats what happened with me. I USED to do all kinds of things for SDalmost18 PowerSulk.
Took her to her school, did pickups.
Spent spring breaks and holidays with her during husbands fishing trips when it was HIS visitations.
Cooked meals for her.
Took her shopping, to the salon.
Was her shoulder to cry on when things were bad with her sister, mother and even father.
She wasnt/isnt full time, its 50/50 but I did a lot, as you would see from my Blogs. As she got older she was mommies little mini me, super enmeshed to the point where there were times that it sounded like Power Sulk was the mother and Toxic Troll was the child...but who knows its perspective.
I can relate to your feelings. Here youve been the mother in actions, but the second her womb walks in, all bets are off. It truly does suck. Occasionally, VERY occasionally, Powersulk will say something sounding close to appreciation for things I have brought into her life that bring her joy when she takes her friends on outtings I used to organise for us. Strawberry picking, trips down the coast...
Like ESMOD wrote, its a loan. Dont give more than you can afford to lose.
What you wrote really made me
What you wrote really made me feel I am not alone I am glad you stepped up just like how I did but as you mentioned the second when the bio mom comes everything sucks sometimes it's little tricky because she lives with us full time so I don't get a little break unless she goes to inlaws to be honest I did get frustrated seeing bio mom show up and gave balloons and take pictures saying how proud she was SD looked up to her like gold . Reading these comments have made me understand I have brought things to her life and did the best that I can . And it's ok for bio mom to act like she did everything i know who I am and I know what I did
I am dad. Not the SpermDonor,
I am dad. Not the SpermDonor, but I am dad. I always have been. His mom and I met when he was 15mos old. We married the week before he turned 2yo. My DW was the CP. Visitation was only 7wks a year (5wks summer, 1wk winter, 1wk spring). So his REAL family has been set since before his first memories.
Long distance visitation with a clear custody ruling makes all of the difference in outcome for SParents, Skids, and blended marriages.
IMHO and experience of course.