Already keyed up about tonight...and a bit of good news!
Stepdevil14's awards ceremony at school is tonight. My guts are all twisted up with nerves about it. I know BM and likely her boyfriend will be there, DH and I and Dh's dad and his girlfriend. I've never met BM, never spoken to her or had any contact with her other than seeing her at the door during drop offs or passing her on the road (we live in the same town). BM has refused to meet me since DH and I started dating more than 2 yrs ago, and I've given her several chances but she's never wanted to which is fine by me.
Yes, I'll be calm, cool and collected and won't show any emotion. Inside I'm going to be wanting to say and do all kinds of shit! LOL Will have to keep my Detroit Attitude at bay tonight.
I plan to go home after work, get all dolled up and look pretty (hair, nails, makeup, cute outfit) and drink a couple of glasses of wine to take the edge off. Then I'm going to SMILE, hold my husband's hand and relish the fact that both BM and SD are going to be pissed I'm there.
Good news - exH texted me saying that DD15 will be here in Denver from June 25th thru August 21st. Now I have to scramble to get Warped Tour tickets and an extra Kid Rock ticket (we already got ours, since she told me she'd only be staying June and July, but exH is taking vacation alone in Aug so she has to stay here then too).
If anyone in Denver has an extra Lawn ticket for Kid Rock Aug 3rd - let me know!!!!!
Wish me luck tonight ladies.
- RedWingsFan's blog
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Best of luck, Red. God
Best of luck, Red. God speed. And look fabulous!
Good luck!
Good luck!
Thanks - I grew up in
Thanks - I grew up in Michigan, so Kid Rock is one of my favorite Michigan born entertainers. I've seen him live several times there but it's been a LONG time so I'm looking forward to it.
I just have to find DD a ticket now. Easier said than done. We ordered ours on the day they went on sale. GRRRRRRRR! Hard to find them now!
Thanks, I hope she stews in
Thanks, I hope she stews in the fact that I'm with him now and I look better than her! LOL
I don't have another SD - I was speaking of MY daughter. I couldn't handle two SD's especially if they were both like stepdevil.
No way. Stepdevil14 is 6 mos
No way. Stepdevil14 is 6 mos younger than my DD15. DD15 lives full time with her dad in MI (long story) but comes to Denver for every other spring break and every summer. I usually travel to Detroit for Xmas, but will fly her down this year due to my mother and I having a nasty fallout.
SD14 lives with BM full time now, since last summer. She's a major thorn in my ass and has tried everything and anything to break DH and I up.
OMG NO! They may only be 6
OMG NO! They may only be 6 mos apart in age, but they're worlds apart in maturity. People that meet them both for the first time think my DD15 is 18 and SD14 is 12. She's such a big baby. She's into things like One Direction and Justin Bieber and my daughter is into Warped Tour bands. SD is dense and DD is intelligent. SD can't spell/write, DD could be a writer NOW according to her AP english teacher.
SD is an attention whore, DD stays out of drama. SD's idea of a good time is going to a place like Chuck E Cheese and playing video games, DD would rather be at an outdoor concert, riding ATVs (even though we got into a HUGE accident a couple of years ago and could've died), swimming in a lake, hanging around a campfire with other people...
They're night and day. Sd cries at the drop of a hat and DD didn't cry even during our accident. The ER nurses and doctors thought she was much older than 13 (the accident was 2 yrs ago) and kept telling me they'd never seen a girl that young go through that much trauma and pain and be so calm. Meanwhile, SD was crying and screaming her head off because we were all bloody and she wasn't even a part of the thing!
Good luck Mel!
Good luck Mel!
Thanks guys. I'm just
Thanks guys. I'm just letting my nerves get the best of me. There's really nothing for me to be nervous about though.
Dog person - anytime girl!
Dog person - anytime girl! We have a very comfy couch and a queen sized air mattress, but you'll be sharing the living room with DD15. She's cool as Hell though.
I've seen Kid Rock several times but it's been a long time. I'm looking forward to it. I just have to get DD a lawn seat now.
LOL Dog person! Yes, I loved
LOL Dog person! Yes, I loved that Dh and I were able to get two tickets for $50. Now, finding another lawn ticket for DD is a challenge. They're all DOUBLE that just for one. I think I may end up paying a lot now.
DD15 is awesome and it's not just because she's my kid. If she were someone else's kid, I would think the same. She's just fun to be around.
Oh he will and he'll hold my
Oh he will and he'll hold my hand - both things that BM wouldn't do with him in public.
Good Luck, but I don't think
Good Luck, but I don't think ya need it, you got this. I know you're gonna look so fine that when you walk in every head in the room will turn and SD & BM will have to pick their jaws up off the floor. I'm excited for you, I can't wait to hear how this turns out.
oooh Kid Rock, I'm jealous. I've seen him about 5 times but he ain't coming around where I live this time.
Thanks Clydella - and you've
Thanks Clydella - and you've never even seen a pic of me! LOL I wish we could post pictures here.
Anyhow, it'll be a good thing and I just have to keep telling myself that.
Kid Rock is AWESOME!
ooh I went to warped tour in
ooh I went to warped tour in Denver back in 07
lol also good for you! Best of luck! 
DD15 and I have made it our
DD15 and I have made it our annual summer event. We went for the first time last year and had a blast. She even got to meet her favorite band, Breathe Carolina! Had a great time even though I was sick with bronchitis and it was 100 degrees!
I'm actually getting geared
I'm actually getting geared up for it. The nerves have subsided and now I'm just EXCITED to go!
Have to swing by after work to the pet store and pick some timothy hay up for the chinnies, then go home and get dolled up, have a quick snack and a few glasses of wine and then it's ON!
Bring it on bitches - I'm SO ready for you!
WillTomorrow: 1. Is going to
1. Is going to be HARD to do, but yeah, I'll be calm, cool and collected unless one of them dares to speak to me disrespectfully
2. Yes, he's awesome and I can't wait! I'm hoping I can find someone locally who just can't make it and needs to offload their ticket
3. I shall look forward to tonight's adventure now instead of seeing it as a reason to be nervous. I hope BM gets a clue that she's no longer in control and neither is her precious princess!