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How does BM's stupidity still surprise me?

RayRay's picture

SO and her have court today (DHR). This is to have her start paying CS because she had yet to provide a single thing to the children in over 7 years. They get there and she tells the judge (DHR) she didn't even know why she was coming to court today. OMG. Really she can't even read anymore? Of course the judge decides to have this go back before the divorce judge because BM seems so utterly confused by all of it. Then we learn she has lost yet another job (3rd one this year). I have had it up to my eyeballs with this stupid POS that will never take responsibility for her actions or for her kids. I care for her children everyday in everyway: financially, emotionally and physically and you cant even show up to court knowing why you are there or with a better excuse as to why you didn't figure it out?? I shouldn't let the out right stupidity boggle my mind but she is the first of her kind I have ever encountered! I pray daily the children are not influenced by her in the 8 hours total supervised visits they get with her monthly. Whew. I needed to vent. Thanks!


RayRay's picture

No the judge just sent it back to the original divorce judge. Didn't want to even deal with her stupidity. They did inform her that even if she doesn't have a job she still has to pay. I am okay with going back before original judge. DH and I would like to alter who supervises her visitation as 3 times now the kids have been left alone with her and the current guy she is mooching off of.