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Be careful what you wish for .... SS told me today that he was tired of hearing my opinion on his dating status.

Rags's picture

So, I tease my SS occassionally on not ever asking a girl out on a date. I am teasing when I do this.

Today he and I went to lunch. His mom is out of town for a wedding so it is just he and I for the weekend.

At lunch the waitress took our order. He noticed her, and she noticed him. She was a cutie. After she took our order and left I asked him if he was going to get her number. He gave me a look that would have melted steel then said ... "Dad, I am really sick of you harping on this topic and I wish you would stop." :jawdrop:

My first reaction would be to climb his ass for being disrespectful. But .... he was not disrespectful. So I fell back on being proud of him. He expressed his feelings assertively, clearly and without being disrespectful.

That's my boy..... now becomming a young man.

Wow. I always hoped to raise my son to be a confident and assertive young man. Now that he seems to be moving in that direction I am not quite sure how I feel about that.

Best regards,


caregiver1127's picture

Rags - my SS gets so upset if I ask him if he has a girlfriend or likes a girl - I think it embarrasses him - my nephews were the same way. I try not to bring it up unless SS gets me annoyed and then I do it just to annoy him - lol

BTW love love that he calls you Dad!!

Bface's picture

Young people can be really, really sensitive about the dating subject. My BF used to tease me and would turn 10 shades of red and be mortified!

quippers01's picture

LOL I do this with my son (9) too. It mortifies him. It amuses me. Well, not too long ago he gave me a taste of my own medicine and I have not done it since.

We went bowling and there was a girl, mid/late teens maybe, who was very good and we were watching her. I said to BS "she's cute, you should ask her to give you lessons. See if you can get her number". I said this quietly, between him and I, no one else heard. He gave me "the look" and then says VERY LOUDLY, with lots of pointing, "I will if you tell that guy how cute you think he is".

The guy looked over as my son is saying this, while pointing and looking at him. OMG! I wanted to crawl under a rock. I will not be doing that to him again for a long time.