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Tired of DH not having any back-bone

raggedyann1973's picture

This is really a vent about DH. This weekend my family is coming for a visit so my bio daughter 18 and my SD14 were going to go spend the whole day at another family member's house visiting and having fun. SD will be with me bc DH has to work this weekend. DH just called me and asked if nephew 10 can come over to our house this weekend. I reminded him of my plans with family and simply said that he needs to have a talk with nephew before we leave for the day telling him that he is to listen to me, etc. Nephew has ADHD and when he's not on his meds, he is really a handful. I told DH I don't mind bringing hm along with us, but I want to enjoy my time with the family. I don't wanna constantly repremand nephew the entire day. So after asking DH to have a talk with nephew he ays he's gonna see if he can take off work this weekend so that SD with be with him and nephew as well.

I felt all he needs to do is talk to nephew. It's like he never wants to be the "bad guy". He's this way with his bio and now with nephew. I can't stand it.