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Spring Break... a rant

queenofthedamned's picture

So FDH, in his usual role as chronic procrastinator, put off making arrangements for the skids’ spring break (this week plus Friday of last week) until the last possible second. Me, in my usual role as nagger extraordinaire, reminded him multiple times to call BM and figure it out. He hates talking to her because, well, she sucks, and I don’t entertain his complaints about her because HE MARRIED HER. Who’s the real idiot?
BM, in her usual role as dumbmotherfucker extraordinaire, said she would take the skids for the second week of the break. Um, dummy, their break is one week plus one day. Always has been.

Anyway, as the gods would have it, I have spring break from my pre-med courses this week as well, which means I have the blessed joy of spending my evenings with the spawn. Three nights a week I am usually in class until 9:30 or so, so my interaction with them is limited. Not this week.

I work full time, but have Thursdays off. When we discussed the spring break arrangements, FDH brought up Thursday and *offered* to send the skids either to BM’s Wednesday night or to his dad’s so they’d be out of my hair. (The fact that he offered is important later). I am basically never home between work and school and the gym, so my Thursdays are precious to me. I was proud that he got it, and respected me and my time.
Well, today is Wednesday. Does he have arrangements made for this evening and/or tomorrow? Nope. Guess who had to bring it up? Yup, evil SM nag extraordinaire. And BM, dumb motherfucker who thinks she’s MOTY, doesn’t want them tomorrow. When I jokingly said, “I don’t mean to sound evil, like {cue horror movie voice} get your kids out so I can enjoy my day!” he replied with, “Well, you kind of do sound evil” in a very serious voice. Like, not joking at all.

So….. the twunt BM can decide she doesn’t want to spend the day with her own children, the precious spawn she delivered out of her own golden uterus and sainted vagina, but I am somehow obligated?
Fuck. That. Shit.

I wish I could like the little shits (well, I do like skid2. Skid1 kills my last nerve every time I spend more than a minute in his presence). But, I don’t like many people who manipulate and physically assault the man I love, even if that happens to be his own child. I wish FDH and BM had raised a decent kid. But I wasn’t part of the bad parenting decisions those two jackasses made and I am damn sure not going to spend my free day dealing with the results of them.

Rant over.


queenofthedamned's picture

I am getting there.... seriously considering living separately and delaying marriage until the skids are older. He's back to hemming and hawing over having a baby with me, so why should I live in that house? Nothing in it for me.....

tabby yabba do's picture

Hats off to all you SMs that accommodate skids, even moreso if the SMs don't have bios of their own.

I would never let my exH pawn our DD11 off on a GF/SM. Not GF/SMs job to be his built-in replacement, unless she wanted to. And speaking as a SM, it is probably very rare a GF/DW would like to take my DD during the GF/DWs coveted down time. I get it and support her position!!

Your DH screwed the pooch on this one. He is just wrong.