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O/T Nursing & baby blues

QueenBeau's picture

So DS hit 1 week old yesterday.

Breast feeding was going good, considering. I mean sore nipples, but he is gaining weight and has a good latch and all that. Until yesterday. I got what I thinnk was a milk bleb on my left nipple. Ugh. I finally got the like dried up milk out of it today just from DS nursing on it. It hurt so bad. The pain is now subsiding. I'm still on Ibuprofen from my c section so that helps when I do take it. But yesterday I wanted to cry. I already don't lathc as good on that side for God knows why. This didnt help.

He has wanted to nurse basically all day today. I never get a break. I feed him, he doses off for a few minutes, he wakes up rooting like 10 minutes later.

I know this is what is best for my baby. But more than anything, I want to formula feed just so I'm not the only one feeding him all the time. My mom is here to help, but what can she do? All he wants to do is eat, when he isn't eating or sleeping he is screaming. It's rare he is ever happy. He screams everytime he gets a diaper change.

My hormones are also out of control & DH went back to work today & I just missed him & wanted to cry all day.

I love my son. He is beautiful and I am amazed he came from me. I know it will get better. But right now I just want to cry because I feel so dag on overwhelmed.

Idk yal. Maybe I wasn't cut out for this.


Sunflower1's picture

You are running on low sleep, post surgery, after donating your body for nine months to growing a whole person, fluctuating horrormones, coupled with creating food and feeding your baby-cut yourself some slack queen!!! You're a great mother already, it's just hard to see the forest from the trees. ((Hugs)).

Indigo's picture

Listen, you are doing great. I was in tears trying to get this nursing thing down with my bio. Hickies and pain. It evolved into one of the most wonderful experiences of my Life. Wound up 'extended nursing.'

Aside: In my closet I have a brand new Lansinoh brand Affinity Pro double electric breast pump. NEVER USED. I bought it off eBay when I was considering adopting and wanted to breastfeed our new one. I am now divorced, menopausal, engaged to an older man with SD/SGD and it's just been sitting there. (I would send it your way for 1/2 what I paid and shipping ... cheap, but maybe it could be used and help another family.) I'm coming to terms with that part of my Life ending and you are just entering a wonderful time. Message me if you'd like it or just want to talk.

You could probably start pumping in the next little bit and then someone else could feed your baby. In my limited experience, pumping was excruciatingly boring but did not hurt. Family may be happy to step in and give you a break.

BTW: I don't know many of us Moms whose first few weeks met with our expectations. False advertising. Yet, when you muscle through, hit your stride and things start to click, it is a super high.

Relax. You're a new Mom. Congratulations. {{Hugs}}

luchay's picture

Doesn't dry the milk up - just eases some of the pain - expecially if there is mastitis.

I recommend pumping along with feeding yourself too - as well as a lactation consultant.

Pumping will ensure your milk stays, and you can see how much you are producing. And the consultant will let you know if all is normal or not, how to fix things, and what to be concerned about.

Don't know how it works there but we have centres here that specialise in newborn issues, we can do day stays or even weekly stays (dd12 had major issues feeding - was failure to thrive and just WOULD not eat (drink) would feed her ALL the time but she would take nothing and be screaming again - was a nightmare) So, do you have child health nurses, maternal child health centres - anything of that nature? SEE them and ask for help.

zerostepdrama's picture

I have nothing to offer but (((HUGS))). There is nothing wrong with formula feeding if breast feeding isnt working for you. Consult a lactation consultant. If after that, it doesn't help, dont feel bad. Also make sure you are checking for PPD.

z3girl's picture

I never produced enough milk for my boys, so I combination formula/breast fed for the first two months. I pumped more than breastfed because I couldn't tell my boys were actually getting enough, and my first boy didn't latch well. I felt like a complete failure after my first was born because I didn't realize it could be so hard to breast feed!

Like others said, I would suggest pumping and maybe combining with formula to give yourself a break. Lanolin is a must too! Good luck, and this will be a distant memory all too soon!

(This is bringing back memories...and I'm due in another 8 weeks with my 3rd...will be interesting...)

moeilijk's picture

I stuck with *mostly* breastfeeding for two weeks. I gave myself permission to stop because a loving bond with my kid is more important than breastfeeding. My kid was a snack-feeder - really eating almost constantly, awake most of the time, so the 'average' 5 hours a day breasfeeding was more like... 5 hours a day not breastfeeding. And it hurt. So much more than I even dreamed was possible. I got to the point that when my kid cried for food, I flinched. Not worth it.

I felt soooo guilty. Sometimes I still do. But I think it's one of those made-up guilty feelings. Like, from watching TV you get the idea the babies are easy and breastfeeding is 'natural' and fun. NOT for me!!!

I also didn't take care of myself because I was so busy taking care of baby. I forgot to eat, I didn't sleep so I could go check that she was breathing, I was nuts. By five weeks I thought I just didn't have it in me to be a mom.

My husband was great, he stepped up and not only reassured me, but insisted that I get at least one morning per week to myself. I still use it to sleep. Enough rest makes a HUGE difference.

You'll figure it out. You're just getting to know this new little person.

Stepintime0111's picture

It will get better! I had all of those feelings with bs 2 and I know I will have them again with my baby due in a few weeks, along with the stress of taking care of a toddler too! I really wanted to give up on nursing for weeks, but I saw a really good lactation consultant and it got so much easier and better. We ended up nursing for over 2 years. Get a good nipple cream to help the soreness (which does go away!)

Make sure you sleep whenever the baby sleeps and keep remembering, it all passes and improves!