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O/t - I'm good, I'm good

QueenBeau's picture

Saw a lactation consultant today. First of all, she let me know my left nipple is flat. Who knew? Which is why the latch sucks on that side. She showed me a few tricks and gaave me this suction thing to draw it out, & some protectors to put in my bra so nothing rubbed them. & some all purpose nipple ointment to use 4 times a day. I've used it once today, & the last 3 times I nursed on that side I had no pain. I feel like a new woman I could just cry I'm so happy. I was literally crying in the shower like please God help me earlier today. & now I feel like alright, there was a solution, i'm gonna be alright.

I still cry over everything. I cried cuz I was happy nursing didn't hurt. I cried cuz DH took today off work because he knew I was having a hard time. I cried when the lactation consultant told me that my nipple really didn't look that bad. I cried cuz DS slept through us going to apple bees so I could actually go out to eat.

I also cried because despite the trouble I've had nursing, DS went from 7 lbs 15 oz on monday to 8 lbs 12 oz today. What can I say, he's a big boy.

Thank all you guys for all your encouragement. I love this site.

Hopefully I'll have breast feeding down by next weekend... it'll be SD's first time visitng since I gave birth, eek! Luckily my mom is still here to help out.


Wah-wah-11's picture

Bless your heart! I remember those days. I stayed hooked up to a pump for 12 months bc my Ds wouldn't latch to nurse except in the middle of the night & occasionally to use me as a pacifier. So glad u are having better luck

MommyNotMommy's picture

I had horrible problems with the latch at first. Ended up with a crack in my nipple the day he was born, that bled for 6 weeks. At the end I said "If this isn't better by the end of the week, I'm done." And it was! And now BS is 8 mos and we're still going strong. Smile

You can do it! It gets better!

luchay's picture

My nipples are both inverted - so NO latch, ever no matter what we tried - (the little suction thingy, husband at the time "working" on them before the birth all sorts tried) nothing worked.

I expressed for 6 months with each of them. Had enough milk to feed an army of babies, just not directly from the cow so to speak.

Man that was hard work, feeding, expressing, sterilising, then do it all over again 1-2 hours later - those first weeks are a haze of breast pump and sterilisers!

But this too shall pass/

Glad to hear things are improving, stay strong, keep smiling, rest whenever you can! And know that no matter how hard it seems these days are temporary and things will settle soon enough.

(been through it 4 times and I promise you that faithfully!)

Teas83's picture

Congrats again on your little boy!

I totally understand the tears. I was so emotional after my DD was born. My husband was initially going to only take about 5 days off from work, but after he saw me sitting on the couch crying for no reason on his last day off, he took an extra week.

I hope the breast feeding continues to go well.

LuckyGirl's picture

I wanted to breastfeed exclusively - turns out I'm one of the (few) women that don't produce enough milk for their babies.

After 10 days DD wasn't gaining weight, so the paediatrician told me to supplement with formula. I did - DD thrived and is now a gorgeous 18-month-old toddler with enough energy to sink the average battleship (not to mention poor knackered Mum), and into absoluteley everything.

I remember I didn't want to give her formula in case she then refused the breast - thankfully she happily munched on both until she got her top and bottom teeth at around 5 months: after being bitten once or twice (OUCH!) I gave up on breastfeeding entirely.

The point is, whatever you do as regards feeding, provided he gets enough food your baby will be fine Smile

Also - I loved being a mother from day 1 but really started to enjoy it more after about 6 months: the hormones have settled a bit and you're that smidgen more confident, not panicking at every slightest thing. Baby is also that bit older.

Congratulations on a healthy baby!!!