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Well dh didn't wimp out! WOOHOO

purpledaisies's picture

we had words fri night before the boys got here and I think he FINALLY understood that it wasn;t about ss16 braking the mirror or getting the ticket really. But more about his actions i.e. not telling us he got it and not telling us that ne 'might' have hit something with the expedition. Then him telling his mom that he will not come here and work it off.

It was more of the disrespect than anything. Dh even accused me of being selfish in the fact aht I wanted my car cleaned out which was why i was pushing for him to be punished. :jawdrop:

I was LIVID! Whatever I had to go to work so i left!

i came home and sat morn dh said he had a HUGE talk with ss16 and he still wasn't getting it so he got frustrated just as i was. So dh got it finally after having to deal with him himself. He made him clean out the expedition inside and out. Of course ss16 HAD to throw in that he would clean out my car IF he got to dive it a neighboring town 30 mins away! I said NO!

So thankfully dh got his head outta his ass and realized that ss16 was pushing the limit and needed to be put back in his place!


purpledaisies's picture

Thanks I was just really wanted dh to understand that he can;t let the disrespect go b/c I really care about these boys and don;t want them to get older and think they can blame things on other people or that he just isn;t going to do something just b/c he doesn;t want too. There are certain things in life that you just have to do may not like it but you just have too.

Anyway I am jsut so glad that dh got it and that I wasn't out to get his kid! that I really do care about him and make sure he can take care of himself and he is nice and respectful to others and a good adult. I hope that makes sense. Blum 3

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah but this is as much as I;m going to get so I'll take it. Maybe the next time he pulls something like this dh will remember this time and I WILL remind him he he.