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Ss16 in MAJOR trouble!

purpledaisies's picture

I blogged about ss16 getting a ticket for assing around and not telling dh while he was with us this past weekend. i also stated in that blog that ss16 thought it was a good idea to hide all the cars in the back yard hence my sons car stuck in the mud.

WELLLLLLLL dh came in last night pissed the hell off soooooo much so I wanted to hurry up and get to work. He was ranting and raving and asking everyone if they had hit anything with the expidition??? i had NO idea what he was talking about neither did my son. So then dh asked ds who moved it to the back yard. Ds said ss16 did. So dh called ss16 sure enough he hit a freaking tree!!! And did NOT tell us! :jawdrop:

he broke the mirror off a 200 hundred dollar mirror! Dh was was freaking mad and then ss16 kept trying to down play it say well I might have hit a bush, there are NO bushes back there but trees! Hello he hit a tree! Dh told him that he is not near as mad if he had of lied to him but he is still mad that he didn't tell him and he has a problem with not telling us if he does anything.

Ss16 is in trouble when he gets her next weekend! I don't know what dh has in mind but knowing him he probably is going to make him clean something for most of the day! I think dh's main problem is that ss16 is not telling him and having dh find out later when he is not here.

thoughts or suggestions on what to have ss16 do for punishment and I can 'suggest' it to dh. }:)


Auteur's picture

In my day this would mean only one thing. All driving privileges immediately revoked.

purpledaisies's picture

That won't happen with his mustang as dh did not buy it and he uses it to get to our house. However he will not be driving any of our cars I will make sure of that!

Ommy's picture

With the visitation you have every right to remove the keys from his possession when he arrives until the time he goes back to BM, Also I personally would make him do hard labor every time he wants the keys to leave. After all he got off easy with the ticket with BM saying he doesnt have to get a job and trying to make your DH pay for half but this is crossing the line, driving your cars and not confessing to doing that.

purpledaisies's picture

I forgot to mention that when dh found out about the ticket bm called to let him and told dh 'please don;t be too mad at ss16 for not telling you' really?? I mean how mad would she be if ss16 did that to her?? :? Oh wait never mind as ss16 can do no wrong in her eyes which is the problem!

skylarksms's picture

I would think that the kid has a LOT of chores ahead of him to pay you guys back for breaking that mirror...

branmuffin97's picture

I'm a direct consequences he would be paying me 200$. We could work it off....50$ to clean gutters..etc...but he would owe me 200$. It's an important lesson to learn. I understand not telling about the ticket...he's 16 and that's hard to own up to. It took me a few days to tell my mom about my first ticket,lol.

purpledaisies's picture

scubed that is a good idea! I will make him clean all our cars! mine included as he is ALWAYS asking to drive my car. I refuse to let him now after this I ma even MORE adamant about him NOT driving my car. See I have a very nice mustang plus is a standard. He got one too only AFTER I got mine and I wouldn't let him drive it. Then dh texted me last week to see if he could drive my car while I was work! NO HE CAN DRIVE HIS OWN DAMN CAR!

I will talk to dh about him clean and detailing all our cars. good idea! thanks. }:)