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O/T I think I might have an addiction.

purpledaisies's picture

I have 41 cabbage patch kids, :jawdrop: I want more. I want the accessories that come with them too. I have been all over ebay and CL. I want twins too. Every where I go I am looking for them. Blum 3

Anyone else have something they are obsessed with?


purpledaisies's picture

I like precious moments too. But i don't have any of those. But for some reason I love the cabbage patch

tryingmom's picture

I had a cabbage patch kid made when my BS28 was born, it was just like him and they named him the same. No idea where it went.

Love Precious Moments figurines too! They do not have creepy eyes!

I collect pigs, yup pigs. It started with a cookie jar and I ended up with 95 pig cookie jars, then it morphed into all kinds of pigs, I don't display them all these days. I don't collect many now, they have to speak to me when I see them. I have them all over the house, funny places. DH tells a story about my pigs, when we first started dating he never noticed them around my home until one day he used the bathroom and thought it was hilarious that I'd put one on the bathroom floor across from the toilet, he was a sweet pig that was all green. THEN he noticed all of them after that. He thinks they are funny and random.

purpledaisies's picture

I am on ebay right now looking at them lol what is with me? Blum 3

I had a huge cat collection. It started with my gm's huge cat that I always tried to get from her as a joke. Then when she died it was given to me. then all my family started giving me cats.

HungryEyes's picture

I don't have anything like that. My obsession is my cell phone, unfortunately. I google all day long just anything I can think of.

zerostepdrama's picture

HungryEyes- me too! I am obsessed with googling stuff. I google one thing that leads to another subject then another then another. What started off with "why do cats throw up after eating" ends with "Doris Duke had X amount of husbands".

purpledaisies's picture

The old salt and pepper shakers are really neat. All different and very interesting.

SM with BM from hell's picture

My mom was one of those mothers looking for the cabbage patch kids when they came out. As a parent I feel bad for her, she had three girls to buy for. I don't know how she did it but each of us had one under the tree that year. My guilty obsession is I collect shot glasses. Everyone knows she when they go somewhere that's what they get me. I have over 50 but they all aren't displayed.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I have a mild obsession with Sims 3.

IMO it's stress relieving. Whenever SIL, BMIL, or BM are driving me batty, I boot up my game, make a Sim that looks like them then set it on fire. Repeatedly.

It's on sale for $6 at if anyone needs some stress relief of their own.

Tuff Noogies's picture


oss does sims, i never thought to use it as a virtual voodoo doll!! that's brilliant!!!

Starla's picture

Love collecting horror movies for them rainy days. Certain foods if its a limited time only and I love it. Would 30 boxes of cereal count??

Cabbage patch kids are so cute. I have my first one still which has a birth certificate and the bed side birth certificate. She is my baby and I hope she never grows up on!

Drac0's picture

A list?

Err...Let me get back to you.

I just saw the Evil Dead remake last week. Campy, but fun!

Drac0's picture

>Anyone else have something they are obsessed with?<

Yeah. Geekdom.

Science-Fiction and Sword & Sorcery stuff (Dungeons & Dragons, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Game of Thrones, anything with zombies and vampires in it, etc)

I eat this stuff up. My gaming room is decorated with fantasy-world maps. DW says when me and my friends talk it's like we are speaking another language.

Sunflower1's picture

This I can understand, I don't have a room devoted to it, but I'm obsessed with Star Trek,Tolien, S.M. Sterling, George Martian. I told FDH he needed to watch all the Star Trek movies. I hooked him though, I think he loves the original series as much as I do!

Sunflower1's picture

I haven't been to a convention so I suppose I'm a trekker, however I prefer the term trekie.

Mr. Starla's picture

Yes there is nothing better than rolling up a new character and plunging into the creations of another DM's degenerate mind. In one of my favorites adventures, my half elven fighter thief was skinned alive while wearing a ring of regeneration, so that Methastropoleas could have the pages needed to creat the Book of the Apocalypse.

Drac0's picture

You know, I think my playgroup may have followed in the footsteps of that adventure.

Me: You met Mephistopheles?
Dumb thief: Yeah.
Me: THE Mephistopheles? The infernal broker of souls?
Dumb Thief: Yeah!
Me: And he didn't kill you!?
Dumb Thief: No. He was really nice actually. And he gave me this cool book!

Mr. Starla's picture

That actually happened to another group that I was playing with under the same DM. I had to play stupid when they were debating whether to open it and read it. Of course they always do. It wouldn't really be an adventure if you didn't open the book of the Apocalypse and release the four horseman. Fun for all. A true nail biting experience.

Drac0's picture

Ever heard of the "Head of Vecna"? If you haven't, Google it and read. I promise you you, will laugh your D20s off.

I can't believe I am writing about this stuff on this site.

purpledaisies's picture

Jmom I have been there and read it all. Thanks I told ya i'm addicted. LOL I would love to go to the hospital with a few of my dolls, but I know that is not possible. Sad

Jmom's picture

It's not too far from me. I have a 6 year old neice. Thanks for the post I need to take her here Smile

ctnmom's picture

My obsession is "floating", in other words I become obsessed with one thing for 2-3 years, move on to something else, and sometimes I pick up a past obsession after a while. Right now I'm obsessed with makeup. (so is DD13 lol) I don't wear it thick, but I always wear lipstick and do my nails. I get my toes done professionally. I love sparkly eye shadow and colored mascara! In the past I've been obsessed with shoes , jewelry, and my continuing constant obsession is recipes/cookbooks. I like to get old cookbooks at yard sales, because cooking is my hobby and I like to cook from scratch. If anyone is looking for a specific recipe I probably have it- pm me! Another obsession is Elvis, but I don't have a lot of Elvis stuff, just vintage pieces that "speak" to me.

ctnmom's picture

Just Wow-I mix a lot of my makeup to make new colors and also create my own primers/bases! So addictive! Also if a color (esp lipstick) is in a "limited" collection and I love the color i can't resist because I'm always afraid they'll discontinue it. Truthfully, makeup is the only thing I spend $$ on for myself- I get most of my clothes thrifting and at yard sales to save my spending money for makeup! Are you obsessed with perfume as well? I'm jonesing for Prada Candy_ so expensive! Do you go to Sephora or Ulta? Sephora has a great online store.

ctnmom's picture

I am currently obsessed with finding the eye shadow with the best pigmentation/ staying power lol! Currently Bobbie Brown is the winner.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

It's OK to be a collector! DH and I are obsessed with all things Walking Dead. I almost hate to admit it, but we paid $120 for a Daryl action figure......