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BM is so stupid!

purpledaisies's picture

Dh picks the boys up at her house since she lives a little from where he works. Then he meets her almost half way to drop them off. This is doing her a favor as they are to meet half way to pick up and drop off. Plus dh just did her another favor by letting her have them 2 hours earlier for their thanksgiving on sun.

Now for the stupid part, Dh texted her and asked if she would meet him at the place he drops them off b/c he got off work early and the boys were not in school. This would be easier for all parties as dh gets them at 6. Of course bm threw a huge stink about it. Dh is the one that is always doing her favors but she never returns them.

I didn't say anything and let dh handle the whole thing, he was very very mad at her. He reminded her of the favors he has done for her and that she could return a few. He then told me that if she doesn;t then he is going to stop doing any for her and she will have to meet half way from now on and he done with it. Plus if she wants them early that isn't happening either, He is just tired of her expecting him to do her favors but never returning them.

She then called and changed her mind said she would meet him there at 6 like he asked. She was very nice about it. HMMM makes you wonder if she realized that dh was about it stop all favors!!?? Wink


caregiver1127's picture

I just wish that our DH's would realize that the BM's would get in line if they thought the favors would end and threaten them on a regular basis }:) }:)

caregiver1127's picture

And this is something that more DH's need to realize - my DH has realized this and life is much better for us not so much for BM but for our relationship much better - DH realizes that he cannot control BM's actions but can control only his reactions and his answers to her - this drives her up the wall but makes for a peaceful existence in our house - sometimes he gets nervous and falters but I whip him and he turns around - lol

Most BM's get use to their kids being away for some of the week and will do anything not to give that up - it is nice to have children and then have every other weekend free! Sometimes when my DD is out of control I I wish I had someone to give her to for the weekend - Wink Wink

alwaysme's picture

Hooray for DH, see what happens when they have the balls to stick up for themselves BM backs off. Geez i wish my DH was do the friggin same

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Is it "Come on BM be a bitch" week? This close to the holidays you would think we could drum a little "goodwill towards man" but it seems like it's just the opposite.

You know, the BMs are always asking us for stuff, and we are as flexible as we can be. We always try to think about the big picture, which is what's best for the kids. But I notice more and more lately that it seems like it doesn't matter how nice we are, how flexible we are, the one time we actually ask for something, we are painted to be the biggest bastards ever.

I'm really sick of this treatment. DH has to drive SS12 in once in a while, about once a month, to see his mom, and he always volunteered to take SD8 to her mom's house, because there was no need for her to drive an hour, since he was driving in anyway. He said last night since she is such a bitch all the time, he doesn't care if he passes her on the road coming or going, she is driving out here for her court ordered pick ups from now on and we're not being flexible with the times anymore, either.

It's nice to see some DHs growing some balls lately. "Last-Wife's" DH has been going to bat lately too. I hope it's contagious.

purpledaisies's picture

Just a little tid bit of info, My bm doesn't ever have her kids on any weekend ever!! Dh has them or her aunt has them. She has never ever had them on a weekend!!! She makes me sick when she throws a fit about dh wanting his kids but yet she ships them off and refuses to let dh have them when she doesn't.